Ajax had no need for that sort of 'enjoyment', both because he'd had his fill recently enough and because he was surprisingly tame as far as his sexual appetites went. A combination of living away from people for most of his life and an old saying of his father's, "women weaken legs", meant that while a human with urges, Ajax wasn't quite the brute people expected as far as that went. He did, however, cheekily pat the serving girl and motioned for her to stay in his room, more to see what would happen and to contradict the owner of the house than any real need. The lady in waiting simply stared blankly at his grinning face before leaving. With that dealt with and ample food and drink soon provided by the same girl, who once again refused the invitation to stay and enjoy herself for the night, Ajax simply enjoyed the given hospitality as was his custom before engaging in any adventure. Let others worry about sinister magics and daggers hidden in the dark, for the truly strong saw no need to fear what couldn't harm them. Skin tough as an ogre's, a stomach that could survive any poison, enough muscle and skill and presence of mind to crush the supernatural in his grasp, yes, Ajax felt quite secure that he could face whatever was thrown at him by this point in his life.