The screeching of a small child, at least Nali thought it was a child, broke her away from her wandering thoughts. She had been thinking about her time before the Stone before waking up to a decaying place where everyone was forced to be friendly, where a giant ogre was not trying to smash an opening so he could reach their small band, where mysterious women don't spend their day singing and acting rather hysterical from what the last verses of the song implied. She yelped as she dodged a large chunk of mortar and brick, the ground beneath her shaking violently as if trying to fling her from her ledge. [i]'Great, just what I need. For the damn place to fall apart.'[/i] The dry sarcasm in her thought brought a short bark of a laugh before deciding to reevaluate her current situation. It seemed that the violent force shaking the Stone was hell bent on sending everything, and anyone still sleeping down into the abyss that was once the floor. Flirting with the idea of just climbing higher and finding her on way out Nali watched in amusement as the boy child demanded food and challenge everyone to a fight. She smirked slightly as he had cut off the goody two shoe witch, the hunger within her snarled at the thought, if it was one thing they agreed on was that witches were no good. Curious at to what was going on, her perch offered very little vantage in viewing those down below. A sharp crack and the crunching of stone and wood made the red head look up seeing a rather large chunk of the ceiling tumbling down towards her with all the intent to sweep her away like the rest of this damned place. The soft sprinkling of rain reached her first, as the dirt on her arms and legs slowly shifted into mud and smears, [i]'This is just perfect...'[/i] Another sarcastic thought, as she nimbly made her way down towards the next ledge easily continuing her descent as the water turned the stones slick and added a dull shine to them. Her boots let out a soft echo as she jumped down to the middle arena, walking precariously to the gaping edge looking down into the angry teeth of a hungry beast, the gears and cogs churning and hissing in exertion against the onslaught. Jumping back slightly at the voice booming from the sky, she looked up craning her neck back to get a better look at the sky and the disembodied voice. She barely registered the witch give an answer as she closed her eyes letting the rain wash over her feeling the thrum and will behind the voice before opening her eyes again choosing to ignore the question making her way over towards the small group, patting the small boy-child on the head before titling her head grinning slightly at the lady dressed in prisoner garb. Nali was glad she got to keep her own apparel. [color=6ecff6]"Are you always this cheery, even to giant voices in the sky?"[/color] Another tilt of her head as she observed the small boy, sweeping her gaze over the area noticing the ogre was on this level before sighing, the sharp echoing and beating was coming from the shaking foundation he was hammering at and whatever was making the place collapse probably wasn't going to keep him from killing them all. [color=6ecff6]"Voice in sky, Ogre beating his way in here, could this day get any better..[/color]