[quote=@Halvtand] What are you working on? [/quote] I'm debating with myself and my very uninterested boyfriend whether to play as Haruka* or make something brand new. So far, I'm leaning towards brand new, but I've already got a Haruka sheet ready for when[s]/if[/s] I change my mind. *Haruka is an old character of mine that has been redone so many times that I can barely remember what she was like originally. She's dumb as a wet brick, terrible at anything that resembles ninjutsu and has about as much survival instinct as a lemming. She's a she-hulk kinda chick with bulging muscle and incredible physical strength by actual physical training. She's clumsy like nothing you've ever seen and can barely walk, much less fight without taking a bite out of the soil. Her primary way of fighting is kenjutsu (sword arts) and she will develop a collection of close range weapons that she will use whenever and for whatever needed, but her main sword is a huge broad-katana the size of, well, her, named Seidou - Japanese for Justice. [quote=@Bishop] [@Halvtand] How would you rate my character so far? I'll probably come back to finish him when there are more posts or at least a couple other characters in the CS tab. [/quote] I know you asked for Halvtand, but I'm going to assume that you'd be fine with my input as well..? 1) In the [b]Bloodline/Clan[/b] section, please make a description of some sort of that Bloodline/Clan, more than them just being eradicated (which I, by the way, find icky). [hider=Example] [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] [i]Although the Hagane are technically a clan, they are a clan that lives and operates in Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf). The few members of the clan that actually reside in Gobigakure has no idea that they are of a clan with traditions. The Hagane clan has no Kekkei Genkai.[/i] [/hider] 2) More to be helpful than a real correction; the hairstyle you want is called a fauxhawk (google it, if you will). 3) Please be more specific with the Equipment. [hider=Example] [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [i]”Seidou (正道)” [indent]Haruka's trusty sword. “Her” name means, “The Path of Righteousness”. “Seidou” is stuck to her back in a magnetic sheath where the blade is “clicked” into place and held there by four small claws. Along the egg of the sword, “判断は邪悪を降りかかる (Handan wa jaaku o furikakaru)” is etched into the blade. The symbols mean ”Judgement befalls the wicked” “Seidou” is a a giant, broadsword-version of a katana.[/indent] Ninja pouch [indent]Haruka has her ninja pouch fastened to the back of her belt; right above her left butt-cheek. Within this ninja pouch, she carries with her a roll of bandages, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a flash of water and a nutrition bar. [/indent] Weapon holster [indent]Haruka carries her weapon holster on her left thigh. The holster has room for five kunai, five shuriken, ten makibishi and ten senbon, which she almost always has stocked to the max.[/indent] [/i] [/hider] 4) You definitely need to fill up a bit on the Personality part. I can't give you an example for that one because Haruka's personality sucks. 5) Obviously, you need to finish the sheet. We'll (Halvtand and I) will need to discuss the Background a bit before I get back to you on that, because of the fact that I find it icky and Halvtand is my voice of reason when the madness takes over.