[b]This character is enlisted with [color=f26522]Panzergrenadierkompanie B[/color]. If you are interested in fighting with this formation, go [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3423908]here[/url] for more information.[/b] Name: Karl 'The Executioner' Jager Age: 21 Gender: Male Nationality: German Bio: Karl used to go to university before Hitler came into power, he was a huge supporter of the Weimar government and thought that democracy was the smartest way for his country to mover forward after their defeat in world war one. However after the Death of Friedrech Ebert he found that his country began to decline. It was only after Hitler and the Nazi party began to win seats in the reichstag that he finally saw some change coming to his country. When Hitler finally got the enabling act he was drafted into the military. His first real operation was at the Battle of Dunkirk where he and his MG34 crew killed atleast 34 british soldiers. After this battle he was transferred to Panzergrenadierkompanie B to help with the Invasion of the Soviet Union during Operation Barborossa. Personality: calm, patriotic. Appearance(Pictures are not needed, but are reccomended): [hider=The Executioner][img]http://i.imgur.com/EtXoGax.jpg[/img][/hider] Equipment(WW2 Era): MG34, Luger, Entrenching tool.