The kingdom seemed to glow with an ethereal gold as the sun began to rise over the horizon. It gave the usually rugged terrain a sense of warmth for once. The jagged stone mountain ranges, the endless fields and meadows, even the deep lakes and rivers seemed to absorb what little warmth the sun provided at this early hour of the morning. The birds and bugs were already awake and buzzing with the fast approaching heat of summer as Dalton continued brushing his stallion down in the stables. He had been planning on going for a peaceful trot around the palace grounds before getting an early start on today's training of the troops. The kingdom was enjoying a state of peace after years of war but old wounds took time to heal. As Captain of the Royal Garrison, it was Dalton's duty to keep the troops on their guard. The moment they slackened their wits would be the time their enemies took the upper hand. However, as Dalton was finishing fastening the billet strap on his horse's saddle, one of the castle staff approached him and gave a deep bow. [b][color=lightslategray]"Pardon the intrusion Sir Dalton, but Your Royal Majesty the King has requested your presence in the Throne Room."[/color][/b] Closing his eyes and releasing a frustrated sigh, Dalton nodded and returned his gaze to the steed. [b][color=paleturquoise]"Very well. You may take your leave."[/color][/b] The man bowed once more and left, leaving the knight to his thoughts. So much for that ride... He pat the horse on the nose and was answered with a whinny. [b][color=paleturquoise]"Sorry buddy, maybe next time."[/color][/b] The clacking of his leather boots on the marble floor was the only sound in the early morning of the castle as Dalton made his way down the corridor. He pulled his fur-lined collar up a little higher as a cold breeze blew in through the open arched windows. Even during the summer, the kingdom never seemed to lose the chill of winter in the morning. Reaching the tall stone door, Dalton reached up and knocked twice with the golden knocker and waited. Seconds later the door was opened by one of his fellow castle guard and Dalton walked briskly into the room. Giving a quick bow once he stood in front of the royal monarch, the knight stood up straight and addressed the king. [b][color=paleturquoise]"You summoned me, Your Majesty?"[/color][/b] King Gabriel's deep voice seemed to echo throughout the chamber. [b][color=lightslategray]"Ah yes, Sir Dalton! I have a request for you! As you may be aware, the Royal Council and I have come to our decision regarding the Chosen Princess from among the citizens. As my most trusted knight and Captain of the Guard, I would like to assign you to be her personal guard and attend her during all her royal duties."[/color][/b] Dalton wasn't too thrilled with the idea of babysitting a girl who wasn't even pure nobility. A knight of his caliber and rank surely had better things to reserve his skill for. However, if she wanted to play princess and the king wished for her well-being, then it was Dalton's duty to ensure her safety. None of this showed on Dalton's features as he remained respectfully silent. The king continued. [b][color=lightslategray]"She will be arriving within the hour. I have already sent Sir Alfred with a carriage to collect her from town and would like for you to be at the gates to greet her when she arrives. You are to give her a tour of the palace grounds and show her to her bedchambers. She will then be allowed time to relax and acclimate to her new surroundings until the Welcoming Banquet tonight."[/color][/b] [b][color=paleturquoise]"If that is what you wish, then let it be so."[/color][/b] He gave one last bow before turning on his heel and leaving whence he came. Back in his bedroom, Dalton found everything he needed already prepared. He did a quick glance over the paperwork just to make sure he didn't miss anything. If there was one thing he hated, it was not being prepared and always one step ahead. Dalton quickly changed into his formal court uniform and accompanying armor, fastening his sword at his side, and made his way out of the castle. By the time he reached the front gates, Dalton could see the royal carriage making its way up the cobbled pathway. He stood at attention until it came to a stop in front of him. The footman hopped down from his seat, quickly releasing the hatch on the door and lowering the steps. As the footman reached out his hand to help the Chosen Princess down from the carriage, Dalton stepped forward and bowed deeply. As he stood, he glanced towards the footman and gave a brief nod, dismissing him. [b][color=paleturquoise]"Welcome to the castle, Princess. I am Sir Dalton Longfellow, Captain of the Royal Garrison and your personal guard from this day forward. If you would please follow me, I shall give you a tour of the grounds and castle and show you to your royal bedchambers."[/color][/b]