[center][color=wheat][h1][b]Banha Akiyama[/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/c864/th/pre/f/2012/198/f/a/waterfall_of_batarian_emotions_by_sunkaro-d57lq8e.png[/img] [color=crimson][b]"[i]Hello?[/i]"[/b][/color] [@Absolis][/center] [hr] Usually, Banha was courteous. He was gentlemanly and was used to talking with the highest ranks in the galaxy. But right now, it was his day off. This meant that he wasn't in his suit nor was he feeling like negotiating with a new alien race. One of his crests shifted into a raised position. "[color=wheat]I am afraid that I am the Banha you are looking for. Unfortunately, you caught me at my day off work so I am not dressed properly to do negotiations or talk about whatever you want. If you want, we can meet in the most populous city on the planet, on the highest tower. But if you came here for less than peaceful reasons[/color]" He heard the familiar, faint chime of confirmation from the First Fleet as they positioned themselves under the "shadow" of the planet, presence covered by the newly stolen invisibility cloaks that the Salarians made. The Second and Third appeared from the direction of the sun, warping the light and shining it on the potentially hostile ship. "[color=wheat]you have come to the wrong planet. But if you didn't, well then I apologise for assuming so.[/color]"