Greetings, I'm Yayoi and I'm new to Roleplayer Guild! I've been roleplaying for almost ten years now with a few breaks in between. I started off my first roleplay by playing a variety of canon characters from the anime series InuYasha; I also played a good share of (embarrassing) OC's. I went on from roleplaying another anime fandoms and onto video games like Silent Hill. I would be an active roleplayer on a variety of forums and on instant messengers which were my preferred base to write (not anymore, though). Even though I've been roleplaying for so long, I'd like to think of myself as pretty intermediate; I like the difficulty, per se, to be in between but not too casual. I'm passionate about almost every known genre and sub-genre but epic fantasy, not even if it were to be a Skyrim roleplay; I don't know, I just can't get into it. I love characterization and stories of every kind and I'm pretty flexible when it comes to AU ideas or even just roleplay subjects. I like to collaborate with people and make friends while doing so too. I hope to start writing right away!