[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0Ljk3MWUxNy5UV0ZqYTJsbGJnLCwuMAAA/send-me-a-postcard.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=Darkred]"Get. Up. Now!"[/color] he yelled pulling off the covers for Ari who was still twisting and turning, as well as convince him to skip the first day of school. He clicked his tongue and went to the kitchen, making the last bowl of breakfast. The first one that came in was his sister Veren, who, of course, was only in her underwear and a thin tank top. Mackien groaned, shaking his head as he put a plate of his delicious breakfast casserole in front of her. [color=Darkred]"Can't you... I don't know, put on clothes?"[/color] he asked, turning around and now smiling sweetly at his little sister Romani. [b]"Casserol? Ooooh~ I want one!"[/b] he laughs at her excitement and hands her a plate, already fixing one to give to his youngest sister Helina who came in while rubbing her eyes. [b]"C-Can I..."[/b] she nods at the food and holds out her arms for a plate. He smiles and pats her on the head as he hands her a plate. His mom was the only one that wasn't in right now but he knew better than to wake her up. Mackien places a wrap over her plate and adds a sticky note on it, notifying her that it was her breakfast for the day. With that, he turned around to see Ari who had somehow managed to get out of the bed, get dressed, and all of that so quickly. [color=BA55D3]"Have you eaten yet Makii~?"[/color] she asks, finishing her breakfast and putting it in the sink. Mackien nods and takes off his apron. He was already ready for the day, his uniform on and three bobby pins stabbed into the right side of his hair. [color=Darkred]"Bye guys! Tell mom that I organized all those bills last night and put them on her desk!"[/color] with that, he waved goodbye and headed out with Ari behind him. Once they get to school, they head over to the homeroom. Ari followed him all the way to his class before finally leaving [color=BA55D3]"Makkiii~ I'll see you later!"[/color] she called out as she trotted over to her class. Mackien scratches his head, sighing as he enters the class. Why does she need to do that all of the time? She did that last year too.. However, that didn't matter anymore. Not many people had arrived yet but some that did came up to speak to him. He looked around the room and saw 2 people he had never really became acquainted with. Beryl and Melanie. He frowned a bit as he looked at Beryl's back. He had seen him around and he had a pretty face. An ideal target for Ari due to the fact that she had already seen him before. Poor guy. However, he put a smile on his face which didn't always make people feel welcomed somehow. [color=Darkred]"Morning Beryl!"[/color] he said, walking over to the guy. He looked over at Melanie and smiled at her too [color=Darkred]"Hey, nice to see you Melanie! You look pretty as always."[/color] he said, sincerely but he was never quite taken that way. Grabbing a chair swiftly and sitting next to Beryl. Hey, they hadn't spoken to each other before and what better chance then to do it on the first day of school? [color=Darkred]"How was your break?"[/color] he asked him, a grin on his face. For some reason, people were surprised when he came up to speak to them out of the blue. Some people actually wondered he knew their name. This never did sit well with him. But well, I can't wait for all the fun this year! [@RiverMaiden][@AimeChambers]