[quote=@greywolf375] [@Framing A Moose] "I'm excited to learn more about everything... to learn about others, and about myself. And, I can't wait for the new experiences!" Elise replies, following Shay up the stairs [/quote] (Sorry, I didn't see your post DX) Shay stopped at the second floor. "Ah, agreed, Elise of Arendelle. I'm sure I will see you in power development, comrade, but until then, we must part." She then walked down the hall and to her room. 288. She entered and placed her duffel bag next to her bed and laid her suitcase next to it. She quickly pulled out her suit of armor and her other katana. She removed her normal clothing, jeans and a shirt, then threw on a white tank top and black spandex shorts. She then put on the Chinese armor and hooked the katanas onto her waist, one on each side. She then looked to the door, then at the window, then at the door, then back at the window. She then opened the window, and scaled down the building. It was good, she had learned, to stretch out before training. She then made her way to the building where she had been told her power development class was. She found the room and entered, running into a brown haired girl. "Apologies, miss!" She said, wide eyed. [@KatherinWinter]