Her question was not directly answered. As she was seemingly ignored, she didn't want to repeat her question as she had a feeling she wasn't alone. As she just kept quietly to herself as she paced a little bit back and forth to think what exactly she could do in this situation. Would it be a good idea to just split off and try to find answers herself? She had a feeling she was used to doing that but it only confused her more as she couldn't just accept that she couldn't remember anything. What if someone here DID remember something, what if someone was the reason for all their amnesia? Though she could of been the cause for all she knew. She saw what the person in Green wanted them to look at, but she had no answers either, even if she knew, she forgot. As he wanted to press the button. [color=9e0b0f]"Wait, shouldn't we explore around here first? I mean there might be a manual around, explaining what it does. Isn't that like required? I don't think we should be just pressing buttons that we don't know what they do."[/color] She protests speaking out slightly louder this time in disagreement not wanting to be reckless as they already seemed to be in a dangerous position. She looked around what had to be the control room, it had a lot a places that a map or a manual could be, hell maybe some writing or calendar, anything to find out something which to her was oddly more important then the danger of a lack of oxygen. Maybe some answers who any of them were.