"Thank you," Par spoke to Reuben, "I promise that I will not abuse your services." Turning towards Ahnciel, the 19-year old boy asked: "Do you need anything to eat or drink?" He was then interrupted by Count Jericho, who then said: "That won't be necessary, we already had a business meeting where Ahnciel was provided with refreshment." A nod from Par, who then continued: "How's the Tops job?" "That man has stepped up his security in the Tops Bar and Hotel, we've also heard notice that -" suddenly, they were interrupted. "One Rudolf Pendrick to see you," the VI's voice spoke. "Let him and GG in," Par responded. Once Rudolf and his immense biological creation, which might remind Ahnciel uncomfortably of the 'abominations' that once enslaved him, entered, Par would then continue: "Rudolf and GG, this is Count Jericho, Reuben, and Ahnciel. Count Jericho, Reuben, and Ahnciel, this is Rudolf Pendrick and GG; Rudolf is a scientist working to create biological constructs, and does so in space provided by my father, the Mayor of New Amsterdam Spaceport." New Amsterdam Spaceport was a city built around New Amsterdam (the planet)'s Space Elevator. "Despite this line of work, he is a very...humane person who treats his creations - which are nonsapient - with respect, even love. Anyway, we have some exposition to continue?" Count Jericho obliged. "Benjamin Tops has stepped up his security at his main lair, and it's clear that he's begun preperations for the final phase of his plans. His men are armed with state-of the art weaponry, Railguns, Coilguns, and Plasma Launchers. Security is strongest at the ground levels, it also seems." A nod from Par. "Rudolf, Benjamin Tops is one of the employees of this space station's master, Mr. Hut, who is currently engaged in a plan to betray the station to our mutual foe." Turning to Ahnciel, the young man continued: "Said mutual foe is the Sphinx Domination, one of the Four Major Powers of the Eliza Sector. The Sphinx, who occupy the 'northern' part of the Sector, the ones closest to the Terran Warring States, are...a regressive faction who, on guard against a potential AI Rebellion - even though AIs don't currently exist in the Elizan Sector, Cyborgs and Brains-in-jars fulfil their functions - put restrictions on VI - Virtual Intelligence, aka Psuedo-AI - with the result that much automation is slowed down, necessitating the return of old practices such as slavery for labor and manufacturing. This, in turn is 'justified'," Par managed to get his sarcasm across... "''Justified' by an ideology of 'meritocracy', in which hardship is used to isolate the best, who are then given rulership of their inferiors. However, in order to keep the military machine in order to impose such views on the rest of the Sector, the Sphinx Domination uses various loopholes in their anti-automation laws to authorize the use of brains-in-jars to run their ships and large tanks. They also have crude, but effective railguns, coilguns, and plasma launchers that run on analog control, and even power armor that also runs on analog." "'Needless to say," spoke Par, "they are loathsome and a threat, and I'm glad that at least two-thirds of us are willing to strike a blow."