[center][H1][b][u][color=darkviolet]Darian Green[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [color=darkviolet]"Bullseye!...Yeah, it was me. Do somethin'."[/color] The day hadn't even started in full and already Darian Green had managed to anger no less than ten students. She was slacking, surely, as that number seemed far too low given the circumstances and the present situation. The situation, of course, being the sudden and highly unusual snowfall that had caked the campus grounds in a fluffy sheet of white. Darian was not one to take such an invitation lightly. And what was a freak act of a pissed off Mother Nature if not an open invitation to do what any sane person would do. Darian Green had fastened her backpack - empty as it was - into something resembling a quiver, or perhaps a holster...whatever the name it currently held not books or papers or anything other than spherical white objects. Her hand dipped into the bag, fingers curling around one of the perfect white orbs, and with a sneer as some confused Freshman was looking at their map and debating whether or not to ask someone for help...Darian let loose. The snowball whipped through the air like a baseball and [b]SMACK[/b] hit the poor kid dead on in the face, causing her to drop the map she held and, bonus, dropping her straight on her ass. Darian didn't look to see if the impact had broken the girl's glasses but she heard sniffles and assumed that to be the case. Triple bonus. Her next target wasn't a person so much as it was a potential vandalism charge. One ball was thrown towards a window, hitting it with a loud thud. A second soon followed. By the time the fourth hit the window, Darian heard the cracking. A solid fifth strike would shatter that window and utterly ruin some maintenance guy's day. But it was just a bit too early for broken windows. That would come later, by her own hand or by the casual idiocy of someone poking at the cracked glass as they glanced out towards the snow. For now, Darian had other plans. And said plans were to continue tossing snowballs at the students whose only crime was trying to enter the school building properly. [color=darkviolet]"Stop cryin', it's just snow!"[/color] Her taunting voice lingered as she tossed yet another snowball at the former map reading Freshman. An easy target, sure, but some other would come along in short time.[/center]