[h2]boredom on the wedding day[/h2] Shiba sighed as he watched each and every one of the people joining him on this endeavor show up. Either they were honor guards like him which would be good to know in case something does happen and he needs back up, god forbid. Or they are actual guests of the wedding Shiba didn't care either way since he was just on guard duty on top of the ship if someone noticed him and wanted to talk find if not Shiba didn't care. He had a job to do and he was going to do it right that was all it was to him. Shiba made sure to keep channeling his magic and whenever he got tired he laid down in the crows nest and take a breather even if the illusion he was making wasn't all that difficult maintaining such an illusion still made him tired he needed to make sure to pace himself so that if something happened he would be ready. Shiba really wasn't used to all this protection stuff since after all he specialized in sabotage and assassination the best thing he could do was make sure to provide no entrances or easy shots to his protecties otherwise known as the bride and groom. Shiba would feel better if he could just stay hidden and strike whenever something happened staying still like this was making him a little jumpy...