Akira stared for a moment as the duo introduced themselves as a single Kamen Rider. Did they fuse somehow? Rider suggested some kind of mount, so did one of them turn into a bike or something? Deciding it was better to not dwell on it and just ask later, she shook her head and moved on. Of course, this was helped by the sudden edible projectile hurtling towards her. "Gah! What the hell?!" she exclaimed, barely catching the incoming free sample before it hit her in the face, "Who throws food like that?" Turning to the source, she was met with a character with way too many motifs going on. Cowboy, rock star and apparently ninja too. Akira was a little annoyed that the ninja would risk potentially hurting people and, more importantly (given the circumstances), wasting food like that. However, another distraction popped up at that moment. Lydia returned and with her, a set of doorways had appeared. Akira found herself hesitating for a moment, as each of the doors was at least a little intimidating. She wasn't going to back down after agreeing to help, but...easing herself into this situation seemed like the best idea. With that in mind, she followed the youkai and Kamen Rider through the left portal. "America, huh?" She repeated, taking in the surrounding area. Akira tensed up for a moment when she saw the non-humans, but the fact that no one was panicking seemed to suggest that might just be how things were in this world. The fog clouding the sky looked a bit disconcerting too.