[hr][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/154ft5t.png[/img][hr] Late. Late as usual. [b]"Bao, you are a disgrace."[/b] her mother lectured at the edge of her bed. The young woman had a sweatshirt hanging off her slender body, and her one leg sticking out from beneath a pale grey comforter. A displeased look spread across Bao's face as she looked her mother. If she'd have been less terrified of the woman she'd have told her to get out and never talk to her again- but she was indeed terrified of her mother and decided the best thing to do was oblige. [color=f6989d][i]"Yes mom."[/i][/color] her tone was bland and nonchalant. [b]"The festival is today, I'll leave some money here on your dresser. Go see if they have anything to help with a bright start for school, okay?"[/b] A small smile formed on Bao's face. Her mother really did care for her, and wanted her to do well for herself even if it wasn't in the most loving and supporting way. [color=f6989d][i]"Thank you mom."[/i][/color] she said, as she watched her mother leave her room. Heaving herself out of her bed to reveal herself pant-less, she moved over to the dresser and looked at the money. Counting it. It was enough for a delicious snack at the festival and maybe even buy something cute to wear for the school year. She grabbed the money and placed it into her bag that sat on the floor in a heap as she began gathering some clothes for herself to wear before she hopped into the shower and got ready to go. After about a half hour Bao was out the door, and in the bustle of the festival area. She spotted Chris first, his back to her while he sat. She giggled, trying to quiet approach him. Her dancer legs quiet and fast before she threw her hands over his eyes. [color=f6989d][i]"Guess who?"[/i][/color] she asked, Chris her voice quiet and hushed as she leaned into his back. [color=f6989d][i]"If you guess right, I owe you a treat and if you guess wrong, you owe ME a treat."[/i][/color] she asked the boy again, a grin stretched across her face. [@jaybreezy]