Nemo quickly followed Felix through the portal and away from his prison for good, or at least Nemo hoped it was for good. The pleasant view of the inside of Felix's cabin was a sight for sore eyes after so long in a box. After leaving the counter magic area, Nemo didn't waste any time to finally use some of his spells once again. Nemo held out his right hand, the immediate area around it seemed to light up and displace before he closed his hand into a fist. A small bright white glowing crystal ball appeared in his palm once he opened it. It was identifiable as a concentrated mana crystal to anybody with intermediate knowledge of arcane items. However instead of using it in the traditional sense, Nemo lifted the golf ball sized bauble up above his head and opened his mouth. He made the same "ahhhh" noise the doctor tells you to before dropping the thing right into his mouth and swallowing it whole in one gulp. For a few seconds the action seemed to have no effect, but soon enough Nemo's white eyes began to glow softly. He contorted and stretched his whole body a few times as the result of his ability began. Nemo's body began to rapidly reshape itself back to a healthy condition; reversing the effects of being in the prison cell for so long. After the ordeal Nemo dropped his hands to his side and let out a sigh. "Much better." He said with closed eyes and a small chuckle. After hearing Felix he opened them and spoke. "I might have some questions, but right now I'm long overdue for a good shower. I will return shortly." Nemo commented, making his way upstairs and choosing a room. [hr] About ten minutes later Nemo returned from his shower and walked down the stairs. "After thinking about it I do have one question, Felix." He announced. At this point Nemo had canned the rags he was wearing from prison,[i] probably destroying them[/i], and replacing them with some of his own clothes. (Everything from the character sheet minus the scarf and jacket.) He ran his hand through the back of his hair, brushing over one of his cylindrical silver beads before resting the hand in one of the pockets of his rather flashy Tyrian purple pants. He had armed himself with his revolvers at this point two, one holster on his belt, and one holster attached at his side to a leather shoulder half harness. "On the parchment you showed me earlier... I couldn't help but notice there was one name above me. You also seemed to find it humorous that a specific woman's and my name were on that list as well. And yet, there wasn't anybody who came with you to my cell, and nobody else here either. This sparks my curiosity, so why don't you indulge me?" Nemo explained.