The Blacklight Virus himself! [hider=Alex Mercer] [center][img][/img][/center] Name: "Alex Mercer" Age: 1 (Yes, really) Gender: N/A World of Origin: Prototype Personality: Quiet and reserved, "Alex" is still adjusting to find his own personality and not to imitate the countless ones he has consumed. He mostly lets his adoptive sister make decisions for him and is quite protective of her. Despite his cold looks, "Alex" is pretty gullible, taking people's words for it almost without question. Not a major flaw since he is a night unstoppable killing machine that can usually exact payback if deceived. History: After saving Manhattan from a nuclear strike in the events of Prototype 1, Alex has settled with his creator's sister Dana. Despite what had happened and "Alex's" nature, normal life had returned for the Mercer siblings. Since then, "Alex" had stopped consuming other humans since there was no longer need for instant doses of vitality nor need for vital information. Instead, he consumes normal food which can sustain him but leaves him quite far from his fullest potential. Not much of a problem since he had no powerful enemies to fight. Still, not consuming large amounts of biomass had already disabled "Alex's" Thermal and Infected Visions and also weakened his tendrils, rendering them unable to consume even the basic of living beings. The virus just shrugged at this developments, knowing little that this was the first steps to something he might not like. Abilities: [hider=Offensive] [b][u]Blade[/u][/b] - The Blade is a powerful and deadly cutting and thrusting weapon, perfect for slicing and swiping through even the toughest of armor. [b][u]Claws[/u][/b] - Claws are the most prominent anti-personnel ability. Biomass is shifted into 4-digited, talon-like appendages that can be used to shred flesh and bone. [b][u]Hammerfist[/u][/b] - Hammerfists are primarily an anti-armor power. By shifting large amounts of biomass towards the hands, large hammer-like weapons are formed. Slow but inflicts really heavy blunt damage. [b][u]Whipfist[/u][/b] - The Whipfist is a thin, flexible, blade-edged arm that can be used to attack at extreme range, or whip through entire crowds of enemies. Tame your foes from a safe distance. [b][u]Musclemass[/u][/b] - Musclemass acts as a strength augmentation to Alex Mercer's arms. It greatly increases close combat damage and the distance debris can be thrown to deal with distant enemies. [/hider] [hider=Defensive] [b][u]Armor[/u][/b] - The Armor consists black plates of hardened biomass; formed all around the body. While in this form, Alex Mercer is equivalent to a humanoid tank. This ability increases damage resistance overall, at the cost of movement. [b][u]Shield[/u][/b] - The Shield soaks up damage automatically until it shatters and regenerates automatically. A lesser defensive measure than Armor but allows Alex to move about more freely. [b][u]Disguise[/u][/b] - This ability allows Alex to "disguise" themselves as the last human target he has consumed. This ability allows him to alter their exterior to resemble the consumed and also gaining their memories. Alex's current disguise is of a U.S. Marine, a soldier he consumed fighting the Supreme Hunter during the Manhattan Outbreak one year ago. [b][u]Regeneration[/u][/b] - This ability allows Alex to heal wounds and replace flesh. It is a slow process that requires hours if the damage is severe. Consumption of living beings speeds the process but Alex has stopped doing that. [/hider] Other: - This character is a mixed bag of canon and fanon material. [/hider]