[center][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/971fc69e667f951437376bfa762f49ed/tumblr_inline_n28tuwVrgF1r8nixo.png[/img] Hiroshi Takashi · 25 · Male Empress [/center] [u]Personality: [/u] Hiroshi often acts in a traditionally motherly way, as he's soft-spoken and gentle yet he's firm and tough skinned when the need arises. And he has no tolerance for arguments or insults among his friends and he will do his best to quell any arguement and make others apologize either by asking nicely or with coercion. His love for organizing and cleaning is legendary, as it is very common for him to spend all his free time cleaning instead of going outside or being with friends, but yet he always seem to have enough time in the day to do all his work as well as visit his family and help them cook and clean, how he does it nobody knows, but he does only sleep for a few short hours at night. All of this makes him a major homebody who prefers to stay at home then be out on the town, due to his fear that his family household will fall apart without his constant supervision, which makes him quite a neurotic person as he needs everything under control and in order, which isn't helped by his constant worrying for his family and friends. Because of his neurotic tendency he always keeps cold medicine, snacks and water in his backpack just in case his friends are feeling ill, hungry or thirsty, and he always add things to carry that coincide with the needs of those he hangs around with. But Hiroshi's biggest flaw is that he doesn't listen to others that well. While he does listen to others issues and complaints about something that bothers them and he tries to give them recommendations and tips how to deal with their issues. What he doesn't listen to people about is his own personal issues or flaws. As he often dismisses others if he doesn't personally agree with what their are saying. And he also always downplays his own loneliness and hardships due to him seeing it not as important as other's, simply wanted to brush the topic aside and he gets increasingly more annoyed when people tries to focus back on his problems. He hates when others see his vulnerability, he thinks it makes him look weak in the eyes of others and he always tries to improve himself when he notices his own flaws but a person can only do so much by themselves as he is still a hot mess. [u]Background:[/u] Hiroshi came from a large family as the oldest of three boys and three girls, how the family got so big nobody knows, but even from a young age he was always taking care of his younger siblings, while his parents worked multiple jobs to keep the family clothed and fed. Hiroshi was seen more as a parental figure to his siblings then their parents were, which he admittedly resented as he wanted to be a brother not a parent, and he felt he didn't get to have a childhood like his classmates did even at his young age but he never vocalized that thought and simply kept working and cleaning and studied. As he gotten older he somehow gotten more and more responsibility, by the time he was in middle school, first it was cooking and cleaning, then it was harder school work and exams then it was being forced to learn Naginatajutsu by his mother, and besides all that, he also had to make friends with his classmates, so he had zero free time for himself, which meant his life involved nothing more then to please others and making sure they were all good and well. Which is what he good at. But he's not as good at taking care of himself and keeping himself happy. As he often got sick as a child and was always tired and lacked the sleep that most people get. But for all of his pain and exhastion he was okay with his life. Just barely. By the time he was in High school life started to slow down, if only slightly. As all of his siblings started to become older and more mature that they didn't need constant supervision from him, as well as school being easier to him with his newly acquired free time to study and do his homework and making more friends then ever before. At first it seemed perfect and it was. But it wasn't. He was so used to his chaotic life that an easier and more laid back life seemed unreal and wrong like he has suddenly became useless to the world, so much so that he started to hang out with the bad kids at his high school so that he could be with people that he feels needed him. At first it went smoothly, he felt useful and troublemakers had a reliable snack and drink, but before long Hiroshi's reputation started to get smeared. People started to think he was up to no good hanging with the bad kids and always hanging out in sketchy places with them and his constantly firm expression didn't help either. At first it was nothing major, just some rumors and whispers in the school halls but soon enough people started to believe that he was a trouble maker who was just good at keeping his crimes hidden from view and he was as bad as the kids he hanged out with. Hiroshi never retaliate or commented, he simply just kept hanging with his troublemaker friends who he was very close to in his own unique ways. While nothing bad ever came of it during high school it did cause friction with his parents who eventfully heard the rumor themselves but they never asked him directly but he knew it was causing to doubt if he was still a good kid. Hiroshi started University right after High school and he took courses to become a Teacher, since he felt he was good at teaching others in his own ways. At first there was no problems but soon enough like everything in his life, he started to hang out in sketchy places so he could befriend those he felt needed him, some of who he befriended in high school who are now gang members. At first it like high school all over again, nothing bad happen but rumor started to float around him but now even the police were glaring at him, but nothing ever happened to endanger him. Until a few weeks before he became a student-teacher at the University, one of his friends were found dead in the river missing a few fingers, a sure sign of who got to him, it was at that moment where he decided to leave his life of associating with sketchy people before it gets him killed. But now that he's a student-teacher at the university he currently doesn't know what to with his life now that he has nobody to take care of, since he has done so for so long that he is confused on what to do with himself all alone. Now it's nothing more to his life then just the daily grind of life. [hider=Weapon] [center][img]http://casiberia.com/img/prod/sh1020.jpg[/img] Naginata · Slash [/center] [/hider] [hider=Persona] [center][img]puu.sh/nv6CP/877dee5e22.png[/img] Hestia [/center] [u]Appearance:[/u] Hestia appears as a beautiful older woman with long red hair that almost reaches to the floor, and she wears nothing but a dress made out of flames and cinders. She carries a fire poker and a scroll. Arcana: Empress Strength: Light Weakness: Darkness History: Hestia is a virgin goddess of the hearth, architecture, and the right ordering of domesticity, the family, and the state. In Greek mythology she is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea and the eldest of the Olympian Gods. 1. Media 2. Dekunda 3. Rakukaja 4. unlocked at first social link, upgraded at rank 6. 5. Unlocked second social link, upgraded at rank 7. 6. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone, upgraded at rank 8. 7. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone else, upgraded at rank 9. 8. Unlocked after rank 5 social link w someone, upgraded at rank 10. [/hider] Social Link Rankings [list] [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [/list]