[h3][color=red]Rhys[/color][/h3] [quote][color=lightblue]"Hey Rhys, do you happen to know the way outta this forest?"[/color][/quote] Said man narrowed his draconic eyes. "[color=red]By instinct, yes.[/color]" was his curt reply. Now that he thought of it, an aerial view would let him pinpoint the exit better. But now, his hackles rose further as the male noted his companion's uneasiness. Fortunately, he still sensed danger. Unfortunately, inferior reflexes due to a slower-processing brain--because hey, humans are all about mind power--lead to a slow reaction time. By the time his unaltered sharp eyes detected the subtle movements hinting at the impending prospective advances of the python and jaguars, they had already made their moves. The red-haired male only had time to register what was happening and stumble back a step in response. By the lords, he swore he was all about instincts when it comes to situations like these. They told him to be on the offensive, but the former dragon's brain had stopped his fragile body from pouncing at the leaping jaguars, much to his relief--at least that was some improvement. En's inadvertent fall didn't help either, only proving to agitate him further. Rhys mentally cursed himself for his prior ignorance; the male was no dragon at the present moment. Flashing a bit of fire here and there in his original form would have been more than enough for the job, but alas, the sight of a petty little human seemingly flaunting tiny embers definitely did not amuse the jaguars. The ferocious cats' aggravated body language roughly translated to something along the lines of: '[i]I dare you, herbivore. Try me.[/i]' In fact, the line seemed to apply to all the wild animals present in the forest. Obviously, it was a no man's land--hence, the presence of unfamiliar creatures that didn't belong would surely rile them up. Sigh, the territorial instincts of animals. He would miss it. [quote][color=lightblue]"So, got a plan?"[/color][/quote] Kill or be killed. Only the strongest will survive. That was the rule, and it was certainly being displayed in their current state of affairs. The sheer quantity of the hostile animals in the forest would outnumber them greatly, hence allocating them on the losing end by default. It was hard for them to run on unfamiliar legs. Magic wouldn't last. A forest fire would reveal the dragon nest. And to top it all off; it was a long way out of the forest. What other option was there? Rhys glared sharply at their predators, challenging them in the eye as they hissed and growled. The tension in the air was sensed, and he swore a muscle was coiling somewhere. Ah, in the end, desperate times call for desperate measures. "[color=red]En. Hold on tight.[/color]" His deep voice held a commanding tone, eyes narrowing as the flames licking one of his arms were extinguished. The same limb snaked around the waist of the girl beside him and secured it in a firm, reassuring grip before he jumped, aided by the other free alight extremity shooting a path of fire towards the ground; finally getting them out of the stuffy forest. Momentarily stopping in the air from the short burst, another burst of hot fire came, this time from the male's feet, that propelled the two forward to the direction of the assumed exit of the place--well, his sharp eyes had caught sight of some small town in the distance. They zoomed through the air, making their presence known.The former Royal Crimson didn't care how much magic it would take. He ignored his rapidly depleting stock of energy from the strong streams of scorching fire his feet emitted; to defy the force of gravity; leaving a path of smoke in its wake. So what if he'd be drained? If he could get his friend to safety, he will gladly sacrifice.