[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Emira Levi Firestorm[/color][/h1][/center] Emira shoved the last of what she'd been planning to pack absently into her backpack, a smile spreading across her face as the extendable charm made her clothing pass into the void. She slung the backpack over her shoulders, turning to stare at the wooden perch erected near her window. Ludo was gripping the wood, staring at her calmly, blinking his beady eyes. [color=ed1c24]"You know the drill. See you at the dorm."[/color] she stated holding out a fist. [color=ed1c24]"Fist bump."[/color] Ludo hesitantly raised one of his talons, clenching it into a fist and setting it on her hand before letting out his signature croak-like hoot and gliding out the window. Emira watched the owl disappear into the morning darkness, a chill surging down her spine. This was Emira's last year at Hogwarts. Her last year. That meant this year had to be better than all the others. She had to do something amazing.. Something unforgettable.. something that would leave her name on the school for all eternity. She'd been planning all summer for her final prank, leaving her legacy on the school before moving into the world and leaving her legacy as a wizard. She stripped off her pajamas and jammed on the first thing she could find in her closet. A pair of black jeans with a tattered hole in the left knee, and a simple red t-shirt. After thinking for a moment, Emira slid into a sleek leather jacket, throwing her backpack over her shoulders. Emira took her wand from behind her ear, tapping the banister to the spiral stairs which lead both up and down so far it was impossible to see where each ended. [color=ed1c24]"First floor please."[/color] The staircase shuddered, wooden steps folding into a slide. A faint yowling sound was heard from above as a massive grey cat slid down the slide, scrambling for purchase against the slippery steps. [color=ed1c24]"Ah.. Senior.."[/color] Emira reached over and plucked the cat from the slide before it could continue to fall, placing it beside her. [color=ed1c24]"You gained weight you fat cat."[/color] she stated. Senior stared at Emira, his squashed face making him look a lot like a goblin. He lashed his tail as he stalked away down the corridor. Emira snickered before settling down on the slide and laughing as she slid down into the void. As she finally reached the first floor, she came to a stop, staggering back and forth as she attempted to regain her bearings. That slide was amazing fun, but it always left her feeling dizzy. Emira tapped the banister again. [color=ed1c24]"Thanks."[/color] And the slide folded back into steps ever so slowly as she headed off into the kitchen, placing her wand over her ear. Her uncle had told her when she was little that food tasted better if one didn't use magic to create it. She brought out a few potatoes, chopping them with quick knife strokes, pausing to glance up as some racket came from the other room. Two strange things burst through the doors to the kitchen. First was an old black and white television which was sprinting around on barefoot hairy man legs, and the second was a toaster with tiny t-rex arms on wheels breathing fire at the television. Emira paused to watch as the two oddities chased each other, clicking her tongue. [color=ed1c24]"Oi.. You two know that you aren't allowed in the kitchen!" [/color]She shouted, pointing out the door. [color=ed1c24]"Go make yourselves useful and wake up Simon."[/color] The two creations turned at hearing Emira's words, scampering out the kitchen door and back into the other room, where loud crashes of fragile things could be heard shattering in the distance. And then an explosion and a loud scream and some loud cursing as her Uncle was woken up. Emira smirked as she shoveled the potatoes into a pan, bringing out the milk, cheese and eggs. Moments later, her uncle came into the room. He looked remarkably like an older male version of Emira, with his red hair speckled with white, and his face stained with glitter. A mischevious grin spread across Emira's face as she admired her handiwork. [color=ed1c24]"I see you got my morning present, Simon."[/color] her eyes glittered. Simon laughed. [color=fff200]"I did indeed. You know i'm going to get you back really good for this one."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"In your dreams."[/color] Emira laughed. [color=ed1c24]"Now.. you'd better try washing that glitter off your face."[/color] Simon folded his arms. [color=fff200]"Already tried that. You put a sticking charm on it.. didn't you."[/color] Emira grinned. [color=ed1c24]"Not at all, that's just the power of glitter. Its like fairy aids. No one wants it and you can't get rid of it. I packed a few of those for school this year."[/color] Simon laughed, watching as she cooked up the eggs. [color=fff200]"I'm just glad it wasn't a Niffler in a dress and wig this time."[/color] He wandered over to the sink, washing some of the glitter from his face. [color=fff200]"You make sure you do your chores before you head out, alright? I'll send you a letter when you get to school."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I'm not going to open it.... it might be one of those ones with a dungbomb in it, like you did three years ago."[/color] Emira stated. [color=fff200]"What?? I'm not going to repeat the same prank on you.. That would be boring. No.. i'm going to think of something far better."[/color] Simon rubbed his hands together, then walked over to her. [color=fff200]"As for now.. a little payback."[/color] He rubbed his hands in her hair, scattering sparkles along her head. [color=ed1c24]"AHH. YOU DICK."[/color] Emira shouted, laughing as she squirmed away. [color=ed1c24]"Now i'm going to go to school with sparkles on my head!"[/color] Simon smirked. [color=fff200]"You get what you deserve."[/color] he reached out a hand and snagged a piece of potato, laughing as he strode from the room, leaving Emira on her own. Emira took a hand towel and wiped away what she hoped was most of the glitter before finishing up making breakfast and stuffing her face full of food. She set her backpack down on the ground and sprinted outside barefoot to do her chores. First things first.. feeding the Thestrals. Waving her wand, she furrowed her brow as she hefted four buckets of meat into the air, levitating them towards the barn one at a time. She whistled loudly as she dumped the meat into a large trough. Loud wing and hoofbeats were heard as the Thestrals streamed out of the sky. The creatures were as eerie as ever, with their skeletal bodies and draconic faces, bat-like wings folding into their bodies as their glowing white eyes focused on their food. They were creatures most wizards and witches hated.. considering that a person who saw them had to have seen death before... not to mention.. they were most definitely not the prettiest creatures in the world. Nonetheless, Emira loved them.. she couldn't remember a time when she hadn't been able to see them. She brushed her fingers against one of the females of the herd, her fingers pressing into the female's swollen belly. [color=ed1c24]"Ra."[/color] She stated, [color=ed1c24]"How are you doing today?"[/color] Ra nickered happily, swishing her tail as she turned to Emira and pressed her face against Emira's hands. [color=ed1c24]"I'll miss you too, Ra. You take care of yourself, alright?"[/color] Emira's hands danced along the creature's head, scratching behind her jaw before moving away to let the female eat. She smiled as she took one last look at the creatures, sprinting across the floor to her home once again. She let her hands lightly brush one of the lion statues outside the door as she burst through and grasped her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Simon! I'm on my way to school!"[/color] She called. Simon slid down the spiral staircase, most of the sparkles cleaned from his face and hair. He moved towards her and brought her into a hug. [color=fff200]"See you later sweetheart. And be careful when you apparate. Keep focused.. can't have you splinching yourself."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I'll be fine."[/color] she laughed as he pulled away, reaching towards the door and picking up her Thunderbolt VII. The smooth racing broom was known for sacrificing safety for speed. She only needed to use it until she reached the outskirts of her Uncle's property, where she could then apparate to London.. so she could board the Hogwarts express. She kicked off the ground, waving to her uncle as she rocketed into the air, the wind whipping past her short red hair. As she soared through the air, a few Thestrals joined her, whinnying their goodbyes as she exited the territory and they turned around and left. As soon as Emira was well out of the range of her Uncle's charms, she landed, stuffing her broom into her backpack. She took a breath and clenched her wand, doing a small spin. Her lungs felt like fire as she was pulled through the slightly uncomfortable sensation of Apparition. With a faint crack she was on the streets of London, catching her breath from the vice-like tube. Good. Perfect location. A dark alley were muggles wouldn't see her. She was getting much better at this. She strode out of the alley and onto the main street, staring at the dilapidated buildings around her. She hailed a taxi, whispering as she counted her muggle money and told the man to take her to King's cross. Upon arrival, she saw the normal hustle and bustle.. first years all the way to seventh years like herself, gathering around the platform, vanishing inside of it easily. It was remarkable that none of the muggles noticed the first years with their Hogwarts robes and massive carts with owls, running smack dab into a wall and vanishing. She snickered, casually striding towards the wall and wandering through. Of course... here it was.. the beautiful Hogwarts Express. She felt a twinge of regret as she realized.. this would be her last time riding it to school. A sad smile danced across her face as she leaped onto the train, darting across the ground and sliding open the first compartment she saw. This was one already occupied. She recognized the boy as one of the Gryffindor chasers. Last year, she'd sent her fair share of bludgers careening into him. Her interference, and the skills of their seeker had won Ravenclaw their first game against Gryffindor in almost twenty years. Ravenclaw wasn't really known for winning anything except for academic exploits. So this had been celebrated all year last year by the Ravenclaw house. What was his name again? E... er.. no.. ah.. right. Elliot. [color=ed1c24]"Oh.. its you."[/color] she stated [color=ed1c24]"Elliot, right?"[/color] She perched beside the female Gryffindor. [color=ed1c24]"Hope its alright i sit here. I try hard not to sit with my house all the time. We all have character traits that are too similar and stuff, so i tend to get bored because there is no variety."[/color] She stuck a hand out to the female Gryffindor student. [color=ed1c24]"I don't think we've really met yet. I'm Emira. Some people call me Firestorm. I answer to both."[/color] [@TheHangedMan] [@josephb]