[h2]Saber, King Arthur Herself[/h2] Surprised when food flew at her face, Saber reached up and caught it in one hand, her agility as a Servant allowing her to stop it before it could even reach her and potentially miss her mouth. After a moment's consideration, the smallish blonde girl popped the dumpling into her mouth... and quite quickly found herself deeply pleased with the flavor. In spite of the strange method of delivery, it was indeed possessed of an excellent taste. She would have to thank the oddly-themed man later... But for now, there were more pressing matters. Such as the way the little girl had just vanished into one of the portals, the one pouring with fog. That, essentially, made up Saber's mind for her. On her honor as a knight, she could not leave a child undefended. Light flashed up Saber's arm, bursts of blue energy flashing in the air as gauntlets formed, a hazy, indistinct shape appearing in her right hand as her clothing altered. The flashes of light flowed across her body, until her simple outfit had been replaced with a decorated blue dress and a set of armor. Without a moment's hesitation, she placed both hands on the hazy form, her cloaked Excalibur, and sprinted through the portal. She was not greeted with a sight she particularly expected. It was a city. A modern city. New York...? One of the men had mentioned it... It was foggy. And in the fog, she could see... people? Yes, there were humans walking through the fog, but also... other beings. Things Saber did not recognize. Needless to say, the King of Knights was left rather perplexed. "What... is this, exactly?" she questioned, approaching the little girl named Jack, intending to stay close to her for the moment. Until she was certain that the child would be safe, she would naturally have to keep an eye on her. [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki, Holding Determination in Her Fist[/h2] Before she got any real responses, Hibiki found food flying at her face. While she normally was perfectly fine with food approaching her face, when it was tossed at such speeds she was really not prepared for it. All the girl could do was reach up and frantically grab at it with two hands. The dumpling slipped from between her fingers and fell forward, forcing Hibiki to launch herself forward and snatch it up before it hit the ground. That would have been a terrible waste! "Er... thanks?" she said, not sure how to respond to having food tossed at her like that. She hadn't seen where it had come from, but she'd heard the voice... and now there were three portals. Right, if some of these people weren't willing to talk, then she'd get to know them while they were working to protect the multiverse! Popping the dumpling in her mouth and chewing, Hibiki clenched both hands into fists and sprinted for the middle portal... ... And found herself... well, she didn't know where it was, but the scenery was pretty spectacular! No small part of the girl wished she could bring Miku here, it was an incredible view! "Wow..." she said, approaching one of the hand railings and looking over the edge. The sounds of fighting in the distance, however, quickly snapped Hibiki's mind back to the present. That's right! They had a job to do! Hibiki spun on her heel, trying to determine the exact direction the sounds were coming from. Needless to say, the moment she figured it out, well... she would throw herself right into things. That was just how Tachibana Hibiki worked.