[quote=@LeeRoy] This bit here, it's almost a guarantee. [/quote] I wouldn't say it's a guarantee. It's a possibility, but that's not the issue. The issue is that someone like Trump -- with all the incitement of hate, the calls for shit like torture and murdering civilians, the lies -- can garner so much support. It's immensely troubling to see. I recently had a discussion with someone about this. He was previously a Trump supporter. Classic low-information conservative (and yes, before anyone complains: there is most certainly a liberal mirror) who believed all the shit you read on Facebook. You know what I had to correct him on? The fact that Nazi is shorthand for the German translation of [i]National Socialist[/i], after he posted an image that claimed Nazis were Democratic Socialists. [b]That[/b] is the kind of ignorance that Trump's campaign is built on. It's dangerous. I don't care if people are liberal or conservative -- I just want them to educate themselves. We have access to the largest archive of human knowledge in the history of civilization, and people can't be assed to know what "Nazi" stands for? Come on.