[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GjkUcHE.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][i]A Lightweight Multiversal Survival Horror[/i][/h2][/center] [hr] [b]Welcome![/b] Here's a very simple, hopefully very fun premise. Make a character, based on any existing universe - fictional or factual - such as video games, movies, comics, ya know, the whole works. Even pick a pre-made character from those universes, if that's your fancy. All that I'll ask is that you scale down any OMFG powers accordingly, to prevent characters such as Superman from breaking the game. And then you look at the map, plant them down at one of the locations, and then attempt to survive an unforgiving Nightmare Realm that is full of horrors, borders on trippy and thrives on creepiness! DayZ on steroids, is another way of looking at this, I guess. If the characters dig deep enough (see Places of Interest for key investigating areas!), they may well find out where they are, and why they have been brought there. I have a system in place that will periodically send packs of monstrous NPCs after the various characters... just to keep things fresh and dramatic :D So yeah, here's a generic apocalyptic sandbox designed for maximum fun and freedom. Read on for more info (it's not as long as it looks!) [hr] [center][color=92278f][h1][u]The Nightmare Realm[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [center][b]Helpful Links[/b][/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3449051]Active Characters[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3449053]Monster Tracker[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3458730]Map[/url] [hr] [center][b]Map[/b][/center] [center][hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/SjtkoLg.png[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [center][b]Overview[/b][/center] [center][hider=Overview]There is no reasoning as to why you are here, there are no answers to be gained from questions asked. You are simply here - in the moment - and [i]here[/i] is not a nice place. Twisted branches seem to reach up at you from the shadows; every bush rustles with the ghostly whispering of children - or something worse. The moon keeps a constant vigil, high in the clear night sky; it mocks you with its silence. Animals stir in the trees, and through the thicket of branches, you see the comforting sight of candle-lit windows in the distance - but do not be fooled. This is a forsaken land. A dead land. And [i]They[/i] hunger for [i]you[/i]. You will need water, and you will need food - and these resources are available to one willing to brave the darkening wilderness. You will need shelter, and a place to hide from what lurks beyond - and this too, will be provided, given that you can make your way to a safe haven and set up a home there. What good will this all do though, in a realm forgotten by time and space? What good though, will giving up do? There must be a way to escape this accursed land, and perhaps if you survive long enough, an opportunity will present itself justly. But tread carefully, for Death lusts after the hearts of optimistic fools.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][b]Places of Interest[/b][/center] [center][hider=Key] [b]Farmsteads:[/b] Wooden and brick structures, nestled between decaying fields of crops. They hold many valuable resources, such as tools and precious food, but be warned! Something moves amidst the fields; it watches with invisible eyes, and it waits, and it plots. [b]Hag's House:[/b] An ancient, dilapidated house with a thatched roof. An old woman dwells here, and though she seems like someone's sweet grandma, there's is something terribly malevolent behind those kind eyes. She makes fine promises, but you can't help but feel that you're dealing with the Devil. Visit her in your desperation, visit her in your darkest hour. Maybe she'll help. Maybe no one will ever see you again. [b]Cottages:[/b] A relic from better times; warm, cosy homes for families that once sat around a table to break bread, to laugh and to love. Now, empty husks wait with inhuman patience, for a visitor to knock at their door. Brave the owners, put them to their rest, and plunder what you can: Food, solid walls and roof. Maybe more. But never think that the owners were without friends. [b]Priest's Hovel:[/b] A Holy Home for a Holy Man; a crazed preist dwells here, as the last living being in the land. He is a timeless relic, driven insane by his immortality, and by his immunity to the evil beyond his door. Approach him as a friend or as an enemy, it matters little, for there is only one way this troubled man greets visitors. Yet perhaps... perhaps, if he can be coerced, he holds the key to escaping this nightmare? [b]Church of the Creator:[/b] An abandoned House of God. Do not look for divine assistance here, for whatever holiness lived within the stone walls is no longer present. Instead, a relentless, merciless evil stalks the grounds. It seeks not the flesh of the living, but their souls. Perhaps if this monster can be put to the sword, a fine home the church would make! But could you sleep beneath the roof of a defiled church? [b]Abandoned Barn:[/b] Nothing lives here, and it is doubtless that anything ever did. A wise starting place to search for tools, weapons and other supplies? Expect the unexpected, however. Trust not the silence, and certainly do not embrace it. Greet it instead, with the barrel of your rifle, the edge of your sword or the glow of your magic - it is for the best. [b]River Olos:[/b] There is plenty of life to be found in the river, which is odd. Fish flow as freely as the current, and perhaps they offer a source of sustainable food? Careful though, for the Horror that Lurks Within - or as it is sometimes called, the Beast of Many hands. [b]Tom's Bridge:[/b] A nice name of nicer times, a simple bridge of wood and stone, now weakened by the years. Watch your footing, lest you fall to the icy waters below. [b]Marlon's Crossing:[/b] Who was Marlon? None can say, but he must have been a swell guy, for the bridge is made of solid stone and is fit to carry a horse and cart! [b]Scorched Ruins:[/b] Something terrible happened here. You can feel it, in the air - an echo from long, long ago. The epicenter of this madness, perhaps? Only sifting through the ruins will reveal the answers you seek. But be warned, for some stones are best left unturned. [b]Forts:[/b] Medieval castles, with sprawling ramparts and vast, empty halls. Weapons you may find aplenty, and a decent home too - perhaps a safeguard against the forces of the eternal night. Though take care, for these forts once had garrisons, and it is well known that the dead sleep uneasily in this haunted land.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][b]Wildlife[/b][/center] [center][hider=Wildlife] There is something peculiar about the animals of this land - perhaps expectedly so. The wolves never quite seem to cease their howling, and the bears never quite seem to cease their roaring. Every critter, from the smallest rat to the largest dog has been driven mad and feral. Their meat might be good, but then again, would you dare your jaws on the flesh of anything in this land? Kill them, kill them all and do not hesitate - you are unlikely to find friends amongst the wildlife.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][b]Monsters[/b][/center] [center][hider=Monsters] Evil runs amok, and it [color=ed1c24][b]hungers for you[/b][/color]. Legions of the damned, packs of werewolves, tentacled monsters, flying horrors, friendly faces hiding unfriendly daggers - evil takes many forms. Whether you are a U.S Navy Seal, or an Anime Witch Doctor, the relentlessness of evil will target you accordingly... for it is not a foolish, feral evil. It is an intelligent evil, and it will test you, and it will find ways to break you, and eventually, it will consume you.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][b]The Workings of Evil[/b][/center] [center][hider=System] The system is simple. I allot a number to each character, from 1 upwards. And then, I will periodically ask Mr. Random Number Selector to [b][u]pick a batch of unfortunate characters[/u][/b]. For ease, and to stop the RP choking up with too many monsters, I will usually [b][u]roll for about half the active characters[/u][/b] at any one time. And then I roll a virtual 7 sided dice. 1 - Small group of easy enemies. 2 - Large group of easy enemies. 3 - Small group of medium enemies. 4 - Large group of medium enemies. 5 - Small group of tough enemies. 6 - Large group of tough enemies. 7 - Is... is that a Balrog? [s]I'll then put a little counter on the map, showing an image of the selected enemy, and its direction of approach. [/s] - Redundant idea, replaced by the Monster Tracker page. [u][b]I'll add the monsters to the Monster Tracker, along with a link to the post on the OOC in which they were created.[/b][/u] Players will be given a brief description of the monsters, and will also be provided with information on how the monsters will react to certain actions taken by the characters. [u][b]You do not have to go by what I say from word to word, the information provided is simply a guide to assist you.[/b][/u] Monsters will be scaled according to their victim. For instance, there is a big power or strength difference between a World War 2 Japanese soldier, and a steel-plated magic warrior from Magic the Gathering. You then try to not die.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][b]Rules[/b][/center] [center][hider=Rules] [b]Rule 1:[/b] No dickery or tomfoolery towards other players, under pain of immediate expulsion or bitch slapping goodness. [b]Rule 2:[/b] Don't try to sneak a God character in here. I might not be familiar with the lore of your selected universe, and therefore might not realise I'm admitting such a character, but someone else might - and so help me God if I find out you've been a Dick Dastardly. [b]Rule 3:[/b] Food and water are a thing. Unless you're a robot. So's sleep, for that matter - but again, not if you're a robot. [b]Rule 4:[/b] Scale down your character's OMFG powers accordingly. I will take you at your word, on the basis that I want this to be a chilled out affair - but again, if I find out you've been a Dick Dastardly, then there's going to be repercussions. [b]Rule 5:[/b] Watch the speed posting. This is in the free section because I care not for quality or quantity; however, I still care about player inclusion. Speed post away if you are interacting with a character that can keep up the pace, but don't speed post anyone into quitting the game or I'll cannibalise your face. [b]Rule 6:[/b] Emphasis on the chill. I've got another huge ass RP across the way, that takes up a lot of my time. This RP is as casual as it gets, as free as Free Willy - and I refuse to be bogged down by sorting out petty disputes or minute details. [b]Rule 7:[/b] By signing up to this RP, [color=00aeef]you accept the automatic role of Supervisor[/color]. By this, I mean you will[color=00aeef] actively help ME watch out for Dick Dastardly and his henchmen, so that I don't have to spend all of my time looking over posts for infractions[/color]. Truth be told, I'll be concerned with my own little corner of the nightmare - and I'd like to keep it that way as much as possible.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][b]Character Sheet[/b][/center] [hider=Example] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mrdCF2g.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]Lieutenant Jack Harvey, H.E.C.U[/h3][/center] [hr] [center][h3][i]Origin: Half-Life 1[/i][/h3][/center] [hr] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Main Weapon: M16A2 Assault Rile | 3 x 30 round mags. [*]Secondary Weapon: Grenade Launcher | 5 x Grenades [*]Inventory:[list][*]30 ft Rope x 1 [*]Hand Grenades x 2 [*]Combat Knife x 1 [*]Tactical Radio x 1[/list][/list] [b]Powers and Skills:[/b][list][*]Ranged weapons training. [*]Basic CQC training. [*]Basic survival training. [*]Basic first aid training.[/list] [b]Back Story/Bio:[/b] Lieutenant Jack Harvey leads the survivors of L Company, a HECU (Hazardous Environment Combat Unit) force that was deployed to contain the infamous Resonance Cascade at Black Mesa. During the fighting, he and his men were cut off from their comrades, and stumbled into a portal that took them off-world. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Warren Farmstead [b]Other Info:[/b] [center][i]Feel free to choose characters from existing media, such as books, videogames, movies and comics - but scale down their abilities if you feel they may be too OP.[/i][/center] [/hider] [code][center]Picture or Text Description[/center] [center][h3]Name[/h3][/center] [hr] [center][h3][i]Origin: IF APPLICABLE[/i][/h3][/center] [hr] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Main Weapon: Blahblah [*]Secondary Weapon: Blahblah [*]Inventory:[list][*]Blahblah [*]Blahblah [*]Blahblah [*]Blahblah[/list][/list] [b]Powers and Skills:[/b][list][*]Blahblah [*]Blahblah [*]Blahblah [*]Blahblah[/list] [b]Back Story/Bio:[/b] Give us a brief idea of who they are, and where they've come from. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Choose a location on the map. [b]Other Info:[/b] [center][i]Feel free to choose characters from existing media, such as books, videogames, movies and comics - but scale down their abilities if you feel they may be too OP.[/i][/center][/code]