[center][h1][u]MONSTER TRACKER[/u][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111130481/3632377-undead+fantasy+art_www.wallmay.net_3.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [h3]Current Monster Groups[/h3] [i]Information on monsters spawned by the in-house system.[/i] [hider=First Roll] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3454959]Link to roll[/url] [b]Fort Buckmere[/b] Three Werewolves, who are hunting Arth Bek. [color=ed1c24]UPDATE: Arth pushed one from a castle tower, though his sword was still buried in it. It is presumed dead. He injured the other two by tipping over a brazier on to them as they climbed the walls; however, they have now chased him into the keep and are searching for a way inside.[/color] [b]Berran Woods[/b] A squad of zombified American GIs, who are stalking Gunsō Haruka Kazuko amidst the trees. [color=ed1c24]UPDATE: Haruka killed one, and ran from the rest. They have now vanished, but will ambush him periodically until they have all been slain. They will usually appear during a moment of respite, such as sleep.[/color] [b]Marlon's Crossing[/b] A changeling disguised as a small crying girl is awaiting Natalie Heartwarm's curiosity.[/hider] [h3]Special Monster Events[/h3] [i]Random things that special monsters are currently up to![/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3456301]Bishop Thomas[/url] is the last living native of the land. He is an insane priest, but who might hold the answers all characters shall eventually seek. [s][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3463606]Church Demon[/url], a timeless evil of unfathomable origins haunts the grounds of the Church of the Creator; it is relentless in its quest to consume the souls of the living, to quench a thirst that is without end.[/s] - [color=ed1c24]Defeated by Danielle Mason, although perhaps only temporarily. [/color]