Hillary being in office would be like Obama being in office: getting her shit pushed in by a GOP-controlled Congress. I mean, I don't like her. She's also very dishonest in her campaign, and she's basically the same as Rubio (e.g. Establishment to the core). On the other hand, she doesn't advocate torture or bombing civilians last I checked. She might change her tone if it's Clinton vs Trump at the end of the day. I don't necessarily agree with Sanders on a lot of things. But I don't have to. Bad politics beats immorality every time. I would rather vote for a leader whose politics I disagree with than someone whom I find morally disgusting. I can abide poor politics. I cannot abide by torture, killing civilians, and stirring up hatred against people based on their religious beliefs. All of these are contrary to my core beliefs of what it means to be American. Shit, it goes against my beliefs of what it means to be a decent human being. (Murca.)