[@DLL] And this is why Politics sucks. Because this conversation is way more aggressive than it needs to be. I'm just saying that Trump is a dumb shit who's going to get into trouble. But he's also so much different from other candidates we've had for a long time that it might be good. Though it could also be bad. Stupidity is a dangerous quality. That's literally every president. But Hillary has proven time and again that she doesn't care about humanity. Pushing for more aggressive action in the Syrian and Libyan fronts, arming the Syrians and so on. I see that she wants aggression, she has proven that she supports the war economy. Stupidity is a dangerous quality, but being a sociopath is far worse. Like you said, we survived Bush. We'll survive Trump. I'm afraid that we wouldn't survive Hillary. The War Economy needs to die, Jack. [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/2b5a7283cc4632443482f6ed8397b45a/tumblr_nuhse2mnrq1sjhn9mo1_500.jpg[/img]