Hah. Yaknow, I honestly find myself wondering if Senator Armstrong wouldn't be a better choice than any of the current crop. Other than, y'know, the fictional-character thing. I mean sure, he was a murderous psychopath who worked to start wars under false pretenses in pursuit of his Nefarious Plots...but he had convictions strong enough to fight and die for. He had a goal, he had a plan, and he considered it bigger than himself or anyone else he could lay hands on. 'Sides. If W can start wars under false pretenses [i]without[/i] any intent to benefit the country, why not let Armstrong try his route, eh? Anyways. That sense of conviction is most egregiously missing from the current selection of idiots. Trump's running to pump up his own impossible ego, Hillary's doing it because she doesn't have any better job prospects, and both of them are more concerned with making sure history remembers them than making sure America progresses and prospers. Armstrong may be a video game villain...but you can't argue that he didn't want America to progress and prosper.