[quote=@DLL] What gets me is the [i]enormous[/i] damage Trump will – not [i]can[/i], WILL – do to America’s already-shaky relations with the rest of the world. George threw away decades of generally good relations with the rest of the world in pursuit of his daddy’s wars, and [u][b]Obama has been hamstrung by frothing-mouthed savages, on [i]both[/i] sides, in Congress for pretty much his entire run.[/b][/u] [/quote] :golfclap I applause you as you just showed you're among the few who realized that the President doesn't merely make things happen without the backing of Congress from either side. Most people blame the President because they assume he apparently has complete authority. Rather silly when our own government system makes that pretty much impossible for a single man (not group mind you) to hold too much power over the nation. Sadly, though, I don't like politics because no matter who is picked they won't do half of what they promise because they run the risk of Republican or Democrat blocking their ass. Or kissing ass to their own party just to get things passed.