[center][h1]Hellsalem's Lot- The New York Between Two Worlds[/h1][/center] [h2]Satori Komeiji- The Girl Even Vengeful Spirits Fear[/h2] The youkai girl walked out of the portal, fully expecting a Gothic town of some sort to meet her gaze. What she found instead was, of course, [i]much[/i] grander than that. Though the buildings seemed to be made of stone, their sheer size made Satori stare at them in shock. She could see some larger buildings in the distance, their surfaces shining with the light of the morning sun. "What kind of...?" The words escaped her lips, softly drifting through as a few of the people from earlier entered through the portal soon after. The manzai duo and the relatively-normal looking girl seemed to have a clue as to where they were, while the two others that followed (a blonde woman who had changed into an archaic suit of armor and that strange girl cloaked in a black cloth) seemed to be... Well, slightly less in wonder than she was, but still confused nevertheless. Her companions' entry, though, pulled Satori back into focus as she began to examine her surroundings a bit more closely. There were humans, yes; that much was certain. But there were other beings milling about, ones which she had never seen or heard of back in Gensokyo. She probably wouldn't have been too surprised by this fact, if not for the fact that the two seemed to be... [i]Actively coexisting[/i]. "This place... You two called it New York, correct?" she asked the Kamen Rider duo, walking forward to take in the calm atmosphere for a moment. "Is it possible that such a parallel exists from your place of origin?" With the city's sunrise, though, came the increasing frequency of pedestrians of all sorts; however slow it was, the number would inevitably rise as time continued on. "...And though I would hate to shatter such a peaceful respite from society, it seems that this city is doing just that anyhow. Should we begin searching for the issue? I would rather not lead, so I would appreciate it if another one of you could do so instead." This quote, directed at the group as a whole, came about as the result of a large creature snacking on a pastry of some sort walking by, a briefcase in each of its three other hands. "...Please. This is becoming strange, even by my standards."