An idiot could tell that Obama was being blocked at virtually every turn by Republicans who'd basically decided that so long as he was in office, they were going to obstruct and hinder [i]absolutely everything[/i] he tried to do out of sheer, nasty-minded spite simply because they were being sore losers after the country decided that eight years of George Junior's live-action Call of Duty was enough of [i]that[/i]. Then, of course, the two parties ended up so viciously polarized that it paralyzed Washington, since each side was more concerned with making sure The Other Guys didn't get anything accomplished than with, y'know...trying to run the country. And Obama was mostly caught between a rock and a hard place with a Congress too busy with its own infighting to pay any attention to anything else, and also half of it despises his very existence. Good God, the mud they tried to sling in the second election was [i]disgusting[/i]. So yeah. I'm well aware that Obama is not really to blame for nothing getting done. Or at least not entirely to blame. I actually admire the man for what he wanted, and tried, to do...but after a while, his attempts at bipartisan politicking mostly just left him too weak to accomplish anything. And now we get either Hillary the Cave Ogre, or Donald Fuckmothering Trump. Once God's done with the Queen, maybe he could spare a bit of saving for the States, eh? One way or another, we're going to need it