[quote=Descartes] I'm interested. Also, just a bit of forewarning: From my experience, people are known to stop right in the middle of things and sometimes without warning. This would make it incredibly difficult to keep continuity given we recruit new players. If we didn't, however, we may end up with very few people by the time the second game rolls over. This is unless we get super lucky and end up with a dedicated group of players.I'll edit my profile as needed.[/quote] Don't worry I already have a few plans on how I can add or drop characters throughout the roleplay so that we can keep things rolling as well as for the transition between the first and second part. The people that usually drops a roleplay does it early in the roleplay either in the transition between interest check to the OOC or during the first five or so pages of the IC so things aren't going to get too heavy in the IC until the influx of new people and those who become MIA settle out. Anyways, I'm liking your character sheet so far. Your powers seems good and I'm looking forward to seeing the history portion of your character sheet. Sturmgewehr- I look forward to it! Izkripp- Yeah go right ahead. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Tenebrous Gaze- That will be interesting, go for it. Everyone- I'm going to start working on the OOC tonight once I get home and I'll probably have it posted sometime tomorrow.