[center] [color=pink][h1]Amelia[/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3CO7xAd.png[/img] [u][b]Ylisstol[/b][/u] [/center] Today was a good day for Amelia and for business all around. The return of the Exalt and soldiers gave her the opportunity to sell some of her booze on the crowded streets of Ylisstol. She had set up a small wooden table off to the side of the street with bottles of ale neatly lined up for display. It was a typical sale stand you would see kids use to sell lemonade. There was even a crooked sign hanging off the edge of the table with a crude drawing of a beer pitcher and the price of each drink. Her drinks sold quickly once the word got out, she never expected to sell so many drinks at once and ran out of stock within minutes. She was overwhelmed with requests to make more. On normal days people tend to ignore her and never bought any of her drinks, mainly because of the combination of selling at a cheap price and advertising that it was good. Yeah, too good to be true. Many assumed it tasted like pisswater. After all the attention diverted away from Amelia's stand, she decided it was a good time to pack up and start brewing some more ale asap. While Amelia was putting away her belongings, she realized there were actually three full bottles left in her stash. [color=pink]"Oh right...I completely forgot about these...the experimental version...I should've put these up too, maybe next time."[/color] There was no use for the table anymore for today, so she tried to pushed it back in the alleyway where she found it. A pair of table legs unexpectedly snapped while she was pushing it, causing poor Amelia to fall forward and face first into the table. She laid there on a slope for a brief moment aching in pain before the remaining legs of the table gave out, leaving Amelia lying on the ground with her hands covering her face, too embarrassed to move. She didn't want to face anyone who watched that humiliating, yet comical train wreck. [color=pink][i]O-Ow...I really hope no one saw that...ow...[/i][/color] One of the bottles containing the experimental ale slipped out of her bag and rolled not too far away from her. Anyone who took just one sip of it would instantly know the taste beats any other liquor brand the local bars serve. Not only that, but you would feel pretty buzzed. The amount of ethanol put in her drinks were definitely higher than most brands, so you could get absolutely hammered in no time.