Erion saw the attack coming... but instead of going and drawing his blade.... he quickly grabbed the pole with his hands and caught it. "I am not here to kill! I said I only wanted to talk! " he says loudly, before breathing deeply as he just tries to hold the bar and force it to the ground. "If I were to try to kill you, I would not be doing it where the police would easily find evidence. I don't want any violence here.... if you prefer.... we could just talk in a park possibly, where people would be there. "I say, trying to stay calm right now. I had to be careful with my words here. "I have no intention of harming you, but I don't want to have you possibly hurt my friend.... you see..... everyone back there was guarding the hole to the underground, cause that party down there was trying to find a human that supposely ended up down there, to bring him or her back on the surface. My friend went with them, and I stayed in the back in case trouble were to happen...." I say, trying to keep calm. "I know... that lizard lady shot quite close to you, but I saw how it was an accident with the grip she had on her weapon.... as well as the fact that she really.... cried a lot after I yelled.... That other monster though... that one.... I think was an idiot... Charging in like that.... ugh... if I were quick enough, I would have tried to stop him... but he took me so much in surprise... " he then says, a sad look in his face. [hr] Celes fallowed the group as Papyrus then presented Flowey to her, telling her to ask any question that she wanted. She then heard Sans and she breath deeply. "There is one thing that makes me wonder.... how come that flower is a prisoner. I mean.... did it cause trouble before? Did it hurt anyone? And... how can a flower speak... what made him able to do that.... H.... I am talking to much I am guessing...." she then says, looking at the flower... and actually pouring some healing water into the pot. "Sorry.... habit... I am an assistant in a Flower Shop... and plants are kinda something I am facinated about. All the different kinds of plants that exists... Every different kind of flowers and such." she says smiling. She looked towards the puzzle, and let the group take care of this, unsure right now.