[quote=@MrMinerGuy142] Here we go, just waiting for your consent: [hider=Gunsō (Sergeant) Haruka Kazuko][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/63/90/92/639092047d21507209f678e6833ae891.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]Gunsō Haruka Kazuko[/h3][/center] [center][h3][i]Origin: World War II[/i][/h3][/center] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Main Weapon: Arisaka Type 38 | 6 x 5rnd. Magazines [*]Secondary Weapon: Shin Guntō Type 95 Katana [*]Inventory:[list][*] 2 x Type 97 Hand Grenades [*] 1 x Katana Maintenance Kit [*] 1 x U.S. 1st Marine Division Patch (taken while looting) [*] 1 x Black and White Family Photo [*] 1 x Rolls of Medical Gauze [/list][/list] [b]Powers and Skills:[/b][list][*] Rifle Training [*] Kendo (Sword) Training [*] Basic Squad-Based Tactics [*] Basic Survival Training [*] Basic First Aid Training [*] Basic Foraging Skills[/list] [b]Back Story/Bio:[/b] Gunsō (Sergeant) Haruka Kazuko was a well-disciplined and trained Non-Commissioned Officer of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Born on Kyushu Island as the only child to a military family, his life was set for him to enlist. At 34 as of 1944 (who knows his age in this timeless realm?), he served as an infantryman on the Malaysian Peninsula, Korean Peninsula, in the Philippines, and also Manchuria. Sgt. Kazuko was last seen during the Battle of Peleliu Island, where he and many other Japanese troops were flushed out of the massive entanglement of caves and tunnels in a mountain by U.S. troops who flooded them with flames and ashes. Haruka ran into the jungle seeking to rally with his squad at a predesignated point, though after about an hour, Sgt. Kazuko was the only person of the squad to not have arrived... [b]Starting Location:[/b] Deep in the heart of Bervan Woods, Sgt. Kazuko has one goal, find some damn water. Haruka has been in need of sustenance ever since he got crammed into that mountain on Peleliu Island. Concerned but determined to find his way to the rally point to leech some water off his squadmates, he keeps moving North to where he believes his team is. He hears what he believes to be artillery bombardment and constant gunfire, along with wretched screaming and yelling in both English and Japanese. However, what keeps Sgt. Kazuko moving North is what he [b]sees[/b] behind him...fire...fire, screaming, and the first signs of a charge. [b]Other Info:[/b] -Please note the fire is NOT a real fire, Haruka is simply fearful in what he thinks is still the Battle of Peleliu Island. -Haruka Kazuko, if I translated it properly, means Distant Harmony. -Sgt. Kazuko has a very potent fear of fire, with good reason. The U.S. M2 Flamethrower may have been an explosive joke strapped onto your back, but up close and personal the fear and horror of flamethrowers was very much there. -Haruka is quite lonely without his squad, though he's used to this, being an only child. However, war (and the nightmare realm) is not the same as being home alone. -Haruka will start off as somewhat hungry and thirsty, as WW2, especially with Japan, was exhausting on men. [/hider] EDIT: I'm considering making a Roman legionary, thoughts? [/quote] I had considered that myself, oddly enough. Go for it. EDIT: Oh, and accepted. Move 'im over to the character tab :)