Bern stood outside his tent, one of his cavaliers rode up and got off bowing. "My lord... We found another village in need of cleansing. It is to the south, three hours march. If we leave now we can take the village before night fall." The soldier said his head remained bowed. Bern smiled. "Good work brother, Naga will reward your service. Drink and rest we will leave in an hour." He patted the man on the shoulder, nodding for the other riders to do the same. There mounts could also rest, they were camped at oasis where the horse could move easily and drink freely. Bern stepped up the center of the camp, a top a few boxes that held rice and other goods they carried. "The main army will leave with me in thirty minutes, the scouts report heretics to the south of us. We will teach them the error of there ways to save our children and all future generations pain that the Fell dragon has caused." He told them as the fighter and soldiers cheered, proud to serve the young Monk who would give such a great future. Bern smiled and then stepped down, he prepared his travel bags. In the true style of a Monk he then began to walk, leading the band of holy warriors forward, marching them across the sands until they saw it. A large village probably three hundred people or so, it even had walls and a bell tower. Bern called for Genna, his archer. "Genna, be a dear and kill the watch man in that tower so our advance is not spotted." [url=]He smiled cruelly knowing that with no warning this would be a slaughter.[/url] The young archer, she couldn't have been over eighteen nodded and pulled back her bow. The arrow flew swiftly and cleanly, striking the old man mind who was minding the bell. He collapsed to the floor, the arrow through his neck as he reach for the string trying to warn his sons, his granddaughter, all of them. He couldn't reach however and darkness soon took him. With the alarm down a sand storm approaching he nodded. "All forces forward, use the storm as cover get up to the gates and knock them down!" He said throwing his arm forward as casting the wrath of his warriors upon them. With that they charged, Genna stayed at Bern's side. She was his bodyguard, loyal to the end no doubt Bern had rescued her of course she couldn't remember but everyone said he had saved her and thus she believed it. When the storm had passed the gates were broken, blood running into the streets. Bern slowly walked into the town, brushing the sand from his white robes. "Bring all survivors to the square." He said, crying and the occasional scream was heard as about ten women, two men and three children were brought into the square. "The men first." Bern said as both were brought forth drawing forth his book. "Do you renounce Grima and accept Naga as your savior?" He asked them both, the first blood into eyes. The second had gotten free of bonds, producing a knife from his sleeve lunge up trying to stab at Bern. The Monk didn't even flinch when Genna shot an arrow threw the mans hand and in to the others mans neck. "Women next." Was all Bern said as he wiped the blood from his face. "Surely you ladies wish to renounce Grima and join the Church." He said giving them a warm smile, as it would rub away the mass murder he was committing in their own homes. One woman cried, the other just stared defiantly. "Execute them away from the children." He said as then looked at the kids. "Release them, they can wander the desert perhaps Naga will save them. We won't kill more than we have to he said if some kind of saint. With that he turned Genna left to go help perform the executions. Yet when Bern turn his back a young girl gripped the book she had hidden and cast her dark magic at the Monk. It hurt for a moment yet it only surveyed to annoy him. "You little animal! I was going to let you live!" The child shrunk back as scared, she didn't want to die... She just wanted him to pay for killing her mother and father. She hugged her brothers trying to shield them as the Monk prepared to cast. Then it happened a raven rushed down from the sky and took the spell meant for her. "What is this?" A boy smiled. "Heya dead man!" He giggled as suddenly more and more dark mages teleported in, bandits began to jump the walls and attack his soldiers. "My names Sules, guess your the jerk whose been killing my people?" His smile didn't fade as if magically plastered on. "Do you want to know how it feels to be eaten alive by ravens... Cause I can do that." His voice sounded angry as he lifted his other hand, hundred of the feathered fiends circled over the town now. One of the priests and Genna rushed to his side, the priest prepared to teleport them as the swarm of bird parted and began to dive at random warriors. They teleported away abandoning the troops quickly as the three headed back towards the camp. Meanwhile among the army they had left Vera had arrived. The queen of the bandits laughed as she positioned herself by the gates. "Slaughter them to the last boys! Make these Naga loving bastards pay for it all! No one raids Plegia and lives to speak of it!" She cut down two clerics who scream and tried to escape, Sules laughed as the dark mages weaved curse's and defiled their opponents with black magic. Vera and Sules, two of the most feared warriors in Plegia renowned for there lack of remorse and love of violence. Bern cursed as they trudged back towards camp, he would have to rejoin the main force now. The one he had positioned near the border between Ylisse and Plegia. Damn those Grima worshiping mad men, they had cost him some of his best warriors in this battle. Still he had Genna and one healer left, perhaps he could tell the others that a traitor caused this failure. Cast blame on to another and then simply force them in to admitting so they might die in peace, a simple plan, though unoriginal, perhaps he could think of a new one.