Now the idea's grown and will probably happen in some form; but it's gotten weirder and two main thing stop me. 1. A similar roleplay concept has popped out that i will now be personally obligated to separate my experience from. 2. The weird side is that I want to use video games to represent in-character action, either Mechwarrior 4, MechCommander Gold or Mechwarrior Online. Each one has nasty drawbacks - the first two need a couple downloads (though they aren't too long), including Gameranger *scrunches nose*ads*unscrunches* and an ISO file that needs to be put on a CD to function. Either download I think is going to kill any chance my idea has of going beyond some supremely lucky 1x1 Rp catch, though I wouldn't mind if that was the case. They also probably would turn off people who value fancy graphic candy in games. The third game mentioned can only work with players that have the game since it's a long ass download and to do anything shorter than 24 roleplayers privately, at least two involved people need to have bought premium time. Probably not an option beyond 1x1 with, again, a lucky catch. Above not including time, technical and even Ping issues. So I don't really see the video game route happening outside a lucky 1x1 ^.^ and I have a feeling the moment it's pitched it's going to fall awkwardly, and my attempt at doing something different will result in failing the first roleplay around here I start 100% independently. I could go with making my own system for action interactions, but... wouldn't be the same as if all the above was somehow made to work. If it did I think there would be a truly fun roleplay to come out of it, but I'm not sure it'll see life beyond desperate hoping in an 1x1 thread I may or may not ever finish. :/