[quote=@Framing A Moose] Well, without the Abhorsen bells, she can't do much. Mostly just bring recently departed human souls back into their bodies, if the body isn't too damaged. [/quote] Jump from the nightmare realm, into the death realm, to bring a departed soul back to the nightmare realm. I can't see that blowing up in her face :P What I mean is, yes you can have that power, but be careful of the possible consequences. Thing's don't always pan out the way they should, when you're dealing with the stuff of nightmares. You might resurrect someone, only for them to go instantly (and violently!) mad - or a hungry demon might jump in half way through the process and hijack your resurrectee. [quote=@Nevix] Mind if I hop in? [/quote] Of course. Although we're starting to fill up - not that it's much of a problem. However, I think now is the time to remind people of: [quote=@Frengo] Rule 7: By signing up to this RP, you accept the automatic role of Supervisor. By this, I mean you will actively help ME watch out for Dick Dastardly and his henchmen, so that I don't have to spend all of my time looking over posts for infractions. Truth be told, I'll be concerned with my own little corner of the nightmare - and I'd like to keep it that way as much as possible. [/quote] Rule 7 basically translates into you all policing yourselves. I intend to keep my focus on my character and on those he interacts with, and also on powering the NPC-generation system - I will not always be following or reading of all the other characters.