Chloetta went around the Church Camp tending to the wounded. "Wounded" made it seem a little bit less serious than it was as most of these men were able to fight through the pain for Bern and the Church of Naga overall. Some wounds though could not be most easily healed through magic and made them unable to fight. Still, it was the desert and Plegia was not the most caring of places, with neither the landscape nor the natives. Regardless of Grima worship or not, the people of the country were not happy to have their citizens attack. If Chloetta could do anything more to stop the violence she would, but sadly there was little she had the ability to do. "The main army will leave with me in thirty minutes, the scouts report heretics to the south of us. We will teach them the error of there ways to save our children and all future generations pain that the Fell dragon has caused." A voice called from the center of camp. A voice she was all but too familiar with at this point. "So it's another slaughter, is it Bern?" The troubadour asked herself. If she were to say that to Bern himself. . . Well, she didn't want to think of that branch of fate. Still, she thought that she needed to stay behind to make sure the injured didn't try something stupid and told one of the soldiers to spread that she would stay back in the camp. As they left, she wondered just what horrible atrocities the soldiers would commit in the name of Naga. [hr] Hours later and Chloetta had mostly finished all that she could do for her patients. For now, she just needed to keep a eye on them and sit back for a bit. The injured that were awake were thankful enough and praised Naga for her abilities. In their place, she'd have done the same but could only wonder why Naga continued to allow those that called themselves her servants to go about executing others for their beliefs. "With everything calm, perhaps now was a good time to check on Franz." Chloetta considered to herself before letting the conscious soldiers know what she was doing and to call if something happened. Some gave a smile and let her know they'd call if needed. The horse hadn't been fed much, so now was as good a time as any to make sure that happened. She placed out his food when she heard noises from one of the entrances to the camp. "So the army returns." She muttered to herself and grabbed her staff, ready to heal the injured. To her surprise though, there was no army. Just a few people. Bern, the stubborn and malicious man he was, Genna, his archer, and a priest. So many things could have happened but she only needed to ask. "What happened? Though, I guess before that I should ask if any of you are injured." She showed her staff to them offering aid if they needed it.