[center][u][b]The Magistrate Manor, Larial, Imperial Heartlands[/b][/u][/center] [center][i]Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200[/i][/center] “What is that stench?” Aldrick placed a hand over his nose and mouth in a vain attempt to avoid said stench as he and his companions approached James Conrad’s office. He reached towards the door with his free hand, but stopped when one of his shield sister companions placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. “That” She said as she reached for the door instead. “Is the smell of a human body after its been out in the open for a day or two.” The other shield sister placed a hand on her sword’s hilt as the first slowly opened the door. Aldrick just barely managed to retain the contents of his stomach as the smell of death and decay hit the group like a brick wall. The two shield sisters stepped into the office and quickly looked for any signs of someone hiding inside before exiting again and informing Aldrick that they had found no danger. “Would you be so kind as to inform the guard of this… incident?” He asked one of the shield sisters as he entered the office. The first thing he saw was the body lying on the ground. Although the man had been beaten beyond recognition, Aldrick [i]knew[/i] it had to be James. He eyed the body for a moment before shaking his head and turning to the task at hand. “Help me look through his belongings.” “What are you looking for?” The remaining shield sister asked. “Who he was meeting with. Who he had business dealings with. Anything that could be a clue.” Aldrick answered as he searched through James’ desk. It didn’t take long for the two to search through all of James’ things; he didn’t receive much mail and had apparently kept his office very neat. Funny how, despite having been beaten to death here, there was no signs of a struggle. By the time the guards had arrived Aldrick was done looking for evidence and was waiting in front of the office. The guards thanked him and the shield sisters for informing them and asked them to leave, which they did. On the way out Aldrick asked the shield sisters to inform their local chapter and see to Allianna’s safety. They resisted at first, questioning his own safety, but gave in when they realized he wouldn’t take no for an answer. It wasn’t like he wasn’t safe; he did have his sword and a very special ring after all. Anyways… he was already beginning to form a plot, one that he certainly didn’t want his shield sister companions to have so much as an inkling of. [center][u][b]Tallurian Capital Estate, Lalrial, Imperial Heartlands[/b][/u] [i]Ixyan, the 8th of Gerna 1200 AU - 08.03.1200[/i][/center] The Lady Marra Tallurian, by now quite recovered from her previous night of debauchery, but then again, when didn't her night's end in debauchery, sat in her study. It was a cheerful place, paintings, tapestries, flowers in ornate vases. And of course ample amounts of wine in various cabinents. It was just the sort of room that one would expect someone like Marra to spend her time. Though the book that she was flipping through wasn't exactly what one would have expected. One would have pictured Marra as the sort to be leafing through works on the party scene that she loved so much, not the voluminous tome on various ailments and the manner in which they could be healed. She seemed to be rather engrossed in her search through the text and as her guest arrived early she didn't give any sign that she noticed him until he addressed her. "I went to see James Conrad" Aldrick said as he entered the room. He had an air of nervousness about him, as if he expected someone to jump out at him at any moment. And yet a practiced eye could see that he held a measure of control over this nervousness, as if it existed only to draw a desired effect out of those around him. As he walked towards Marra this sense of control grew until his nervousness was a thing of the past. He lowered himself into a seat near Marra with a practiced grace found only in royalty. "Unfortunately" He continued, "I found our dear peer to have breathed his last." Marra seemed to be startled as she first glanced up and then back down at her book before closing it, her crimson eyes focusing on Aldrick. "Why that is dreadful news. Even if he rarely attended my parties and was a bore whenever I met him I cannot say I wished him ill." Marra paused for a moment as a mixture of emotions ranging from surprise to sympathy appeared to play out across her features though something about her gaze didn't seem completely genuine. Then she gestured towards one of the several wine cabinets in the room. "Shall we toast to our dearly departed comrade's memory or is there something more dire?" "Of course. Shall I?" Aldrick rose from his seat and walked over to the wine cabinets. "I might recommend the King Estate. Victoria gifted me several bottles after we met, it is quite exquisite." Marra suggested as her fellow magistrate walked over to the cabinets. "An excellent choice" Aldrick commented as he pulled the before mentioned wine out. "I must admit," He said as he grabbed two glasses, "I am greatly disturbed by his passing. And not just because it was the death of a prime magistrate so soon to the election" He poured the wine into the glasses and handed one to Marra before taking his seat again, holding the glass of wine into the air. "To James Conrad, our peer." "To James Conrad, may he bore the gods above instead of us." Marra laughed a bit as she threw back the glass of wine in a gulp that was nonetheless somewhat graceful and composed. Aldrick took a sip of his wine before saying "Lord Conrad didn't seem to have many friends... or enemies. There comes to mind no immediate suspect...save one." He took another sip of wine before continuing. "Before his death I was in the process of making an arrangement with Lord Conrad. He was to build a road from here to Acitha in exchange for exclusive trade rights." He leaned forward slightly as he said "I doubt I need to tell you who that might piss off." Lady Marra held her own glass out to Aldrick as she nodded. While her demeanor was still such that she seemed not to care unduly, she did sit up slightly straighter. "Of course, they would be upset if their parties were suddenly less important. They are quite vain and proud of them, even if they don't hold a candle to mine of course." Marra began to talk about her social life, her expression changing into the same whistful almost imaginative expression it often wore when she spoke about the thing she ran. "Your parties are certainly the best" Aldrick raised his glass in a toast. "Though I'm afraid that I tend to drink a tad too much at them." He chuckled before adding "Why I'm afraid that some day I'll fall down a flight of stairs in a drunken stupor. Would you be a dear and inform my sister should that occur?" "Of course. But let us not speak of so vile an event, surely no such tragedy will befall you at my parties" Lady Marra sounded as if she were genuinely affronted for a moment but then seemed to move on and her smile returned. "But I can't speak for the others, they have so little regard for proper hostessing." She raised her own glass again and drank before she continued. "What cruel fate befell the poor man anyway? I'd rather hear it from you than court gossip." "I found him beaten to death in his own office" Aldrick answered grimly. "He was barely unrecognizable in fact. I doubt I would have known it was him had I found him in an alleyway." He shrugged before adding "And by Ra, the stench! My little doves thought he'd been there for some time." He raised his glass to his lips, but then thought better of it. Lady Marra's eyes went wide again at the description of the poor man's state. "Horrible... simply horrible. Who would believe such a thing could happen here in Lalrial." She paused then shaking her head as if in a mixture of disappointment and disbelief. "I must admit," He added after a moment of silence. "That I am a bit afraid for Lady Allianna's safety. Lord Conrad was such a staunch supporter of her's after all. I believe I'll petition the local shield sister chapter to shield her from harm." "You couldn't think that someone means to act against a contender? That's unheard of, but I suppose I could keep an eye open at my parties, everyone who is somebody attends them after all." Marra said after a moment. "Unheard of, but not unthinkable. I'll be sure to keep an eye out at your parties as well, assuming you'll have me. Anyways" Aldrick's tone seemed to shift as he changed topics "how is my dear aunt doing?" "Of course you are always welcome Aldrick." Marra said simply at first before moving on. "Sybila is well, though I have not seen her since I last returned to Rianis. But Avoriel came with Varminia to the capital. I'm sure she'd love to see one of her cousins." "Has she been informed that Lynette is on her way to the capital?" Aldrick asked. "I'm sure she'd rather speak with Lynette than me." "She has but surely she would speak with you. And she has the first hand knowledge of her mother that you seek." "Perhaps another time" Aldrick said as he finished his glass of wine. "Unfortunately I must inform a few others as to Lord Conrad's most unfortunate fate." He slowly rose from his seat. "Shall I return once my business is through? I'll be sure to offer you adequate tribute." He shot her a smile and wink. "Of course. I shall await your return and your tribute." The crimson haired woman returned the wink and laughed as she raised her glass once more and drained it full this time.