[hider=Emmes (Ragnar Agrum)][center] [b]Name:[/b] Emmes (pronounced Em Ez) [b]Titles or Aliases:[/b] The Wisened Ragemonger Student of Aerchos Emissary of Aerchos [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Home Plane:[/b] Valmeir- A tribal plane that overflows with red and green mana. The plane is dominated by a massive, powerful dragon known as Levias, the eternal. Levias is the only source of the other 3 colors of mana on the entire plane. The mortals of Valmeir live in small tribes across the world, sacrificing members of their tribes to Levias and her brood. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Color:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] and [color=0054a6]Blue[/color]. [b]Appearance:[/b] Emmes is definitely not someone you would call beautiful. He stands at 6'3", with a relatively slim frame, yet is decently muscular. He has a rather bony face, with light blue eyes, and hair that is mostly grey in color. His hair sits at an seemingly unkempt length, falling just above and around his eyes , jagged and awkward amongst itself, as if cut in an uncaring manner with a simple dagger or knife. He wears a simple grey shirt with long sleeves, and simple grey pants, both of linen. He covers himself with a long currant red cloak, with blue runic symbols that roll down it's length in uniform lines. Upon the trim of the entire coat lies more runic symbols seperated from the rest of the cloat by a blue line. The runes do not reach to the cloak's hood, except for those upon the trim. He also has wears a belt, though it is really just a strap of leather tied around his waist. This belt keeps the sheath for his dagger in place. The dagger was made to look as if the great Ryx himself was emmitting a sword from his throat. He also carries a staff made of a strange metal native to Aercholm. The staff seems to break off into tendrils at the top, curving around a glowing blue orb, which has a diameter not much larger than that of the staff. [b]Background:[/b] [hider]Emmes was born on the plane of Valmeir as Ragnar Agrum, son of Dalnar. His father was the chief of a nomadic tribe of warriors that lived in the domain of Ryx, one of Levias' 5 great spawn, which split the lands of Valmeir into 5 different domains and collect sacrifices for their master and mother, Levias. Ryx was known as "The eternal pyre." If your tribe did not deliver their sacrifices to Ryx on time, your tribe would burn for eternity, or however long it took them to burn to death. Under the guidance of his father, Ragnar learned the strength of rage and blind power. Any beast would fall to the wrath of the ragemongers, berserking mages that ran into battle guided only by their anger. As a ragemonger, Ragnar was not amazing. His rage was unbridled, but it was too direct and pinpointed. Dalnar wanted his son to hit his enemies like a thrown hammer, but he was hitting as if a spear was thrown at a mountain with the intent to smash the entire thing. He had the power, just not the technique. Dalnar was disapointed in his son. Ragnar was 18 when his father decided that his son was a lost cause. In the middle of the night, the other men of his tribe kidnapped him, and took him to the summit of a great volcano, where Ryx resided. Ragnar was to be sacrificed to the dragon. Ragnar looked into the gaping maw of the volcano, where lie a slumbering Ryx, amongst the lava. One of the tribe's shamans shambled to the edge of the cliff, looking down over the great dragon. The shaman chanted Ryx's name, and began to call him to awake. "[color=9e0b0f]FOUL MORTALS, WHY DO YOU CALL[/color]" The beast did not roar this, though it seemed to display this message through some sort of magic, some sort of telepathy. "We have brought the sacrifice of the Agrum clan, oh great Ryx!" said the shaman, who wandered back, far back, with most of the other men who had started to walk down the mountain. The ropes that bound Ragnar had been removed, and he now stood at the edge of the volcano's maw, with a massive dragon rising out of the lava, it's head still far below the top of the volcano. "[color=9e0b0f]WELL, CHILD, ARE YOU READY TO DIE?[/color]" The dragon seemed lazy and slow. "[color=9e0b0f]FEED YOURSELF TO ME. JUMP DOWN, CHILD.[/color]" The dragon commanded Ragnar to commit himself to his own demise, but Ragnar would not have it. He was fed up with the tyranny of these dragons. Contrary to what you may think, the people of Valmeir do not see their draconic overlords in any sort of positive light, seeing them more as tyrants than gods. If the people of Valmeir had the power to fight against Levias, they would, but alas, they are simply mortals. Ragnar let his rage flow through him, channeling it around him, turning himself into a living bomb of rage. He jumped, screeching a deep battle cry as he fell, into the volcano, and the maw of Ryx, the eternal pyre. Ragnar found himself in the throat of the beast, his flesh beginning to feel as if it was being seared off. Ragnar released his rage in a brilliant explosion. Ragnar had no idea if he was alive, but he felt odd, as if he was no longer surrounded by flame and heat, as if he had suddenly been plucked from the dragon's throat, and placed in some safer, cooler, quieter place. The ragemonger opened his eyes, realizing he was laying against some cold stone ground in an unfamiliar place. The sky was a mix of blues and purples, with hazy clouds that ocassionally floated by. Ragnar stood and looked around more. The ground was mostly greyish-blue stone, which made up a mountainous and jagged expanse that went on for miles. There was no visible life. And then, something spoke to Ragnar, as if from all around him. "[color=0054a6]You, planeswalker, how did you get here? This place has been innaccessible for millenia.[/color]" Ragnar's head snapped around wildly, as he looked for the source of the voice. "[color=ed1c24]Planeswalker? What? Who said that?[/color]" Ragnar's last question was answered when the clouds on the horizon coallesced into the form of a man. "[color=0054a6]You seem confused, planeswalker. It seems I must explain much to you. I am Aerchos, the soul of this place. This is my plane. Wherever you were previously, it is a seperate plane, somewhere across the multiverse. You have just jumped between the two of them.[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]What? That is insanity! I am sure this is some sort of test to get into the afterlife, right? I'm sure I just died![/color]" "[color=0054a6]Well, you certainly look like you were just in a large explosion, but no, you are not dead.[/color]" Ragnar then realized that his clothes had been completely singed off. "[color=0054a6]I will help you learn how to walk between worlds, if you simply tell me about yourself.[/color]" So, Ragnar sat himself down on the cold ground, and found himself telling his life story to the entity that called itself Aerchos. The entity seemed to find Ragnar and the world of Valmeir to be interesting. "[color=0054a6]This Levias, they are most certainly a planeswalker. There wouldn't be any other way for a being of such power to arrive at such a place as Valmeir.[/color]" Aerchos decided to not only teach the ragemonger how to planeswalk, but he would also teach him the ways of his own magic, which relied on blue mana, the same mana that flowed through the plane. The entity also told Ragnar the origin of this nameless plane and himself. He had once been a mortal planeswalker, a human, like Ragnar. He was a powerful blue mage who had made friends in all of the wrong places, and those friends had turned on him once he had gotten too powerful for them. They chained him to this place, tying his soul to the plane. He gained tremendous power, but could no longer planeswalk. Aerchos had essentially become the plane itself. In addition to this, they cast some massive ward on the entire plane, which somehow barred entry into the plane for thousands of years. It seemed that the ward had finally run out, which allowed Ragnar to fall into the plane. Several years later, the planeswalker once known as Ragnar has adopted a new name, Emmes, a name given to him by Aerchos, who said it sounded more sophisticated. Emmes has been training with Aerchos for 10 years now, completing tasks for him by traveling to other planes and collecting items for him. Aerchos wanted for his plane to grow life, so he had Emmes collected samples and specimens from other planes, crafting a glorious ecosystem on Aerchos' plane which they now called Aercholm. During this year, Aerchos decided that his plane's ecosystem was in great shape. Now, red, blue, green, and white mana all flowed on Aercholm. Emmes was no longer the only student of the chained planeswalker, but he was certainly the first to finish his training. He had decided to go and travel the planes, searching for more things to bring back to Aercholm, as well as more things to learn. He no longer relied on rage to fight,prefering to use his ingenuity, weigh his options, and outsmart his opponents before bashing their faces in, rather than bash their faces in as a conversation starter. The first place he planeswalked to after leaving Aercholm was Valmeir. He planeswalked away from it almost instantly, being horrified by what he saw in those few moments. He now refuses to planeswalk to his home plane. In his haste, he planeswalked at almost complete random, finding himself on a plane coated with ash. Orisfal.[/hider] [/center] [/hider]