[h2]Ryoma Nagare[/h2] Finding the beast was proving to be difficult. Most of the planet's terrain was largely identical stretches of ice, only made worse by the blizzard hindering navigation. While Ryoma was a patient man, he would get tired of stumbling across the planet's surface [i]eventually.[/i] Thankfully, Crawford was talkative enough to keep the martial artist turned pilot entertained. [color=ed1c24]"I hear ya. The closest my old man ever got to teaching me about justice was getting back at the guys who ruined his career. Bastards had it coming, but I'd hardly call it heroic."[/color] Following a brief chuckle, Ryoma continued. [color=ed1c24]"I don't mind you talking, Crawford. Gives us something to do while we look."[/color] Ryoma paused a moment, both to process Crawford's question, and to make a quick check on the Black Getter's reactor. [i]Still stable, good.[/i] [color=ed1c24]"It's a bit of a long story, so I'll stick to the bare minimum. Where I come from we have Getter Ray Energy, harnessed from cosmic radiation. It let us colonize the Moon, made life in general better, and it brought the Invaders straight to us. The things tried to eat the damn Moon, and I'd bet they wanted to do the same to Earth. Mankind only won after the world powers decided to cooperate and build 'Super Robots' powered by Getter Energy. I, alongside two other old friends, fought in the Moon Wars, and eventually kicked them out of our solar system. As a reward for my service, I was accused of murdering the world's top scientist in Getter Ray research: Dr. Saotome. Rotted in prison for a few years, then the UN let me out and told me to kill Saotome, for real this time. Old bastard never actually died, and seemed to have lost it entirely. Then the Invaders came back, and the UN nuked the damn planet. Woke up, found myself on the Moon, built the Black Getter from scrap and wreckage; then once I headed out, turns out the Moon wound up here. The LWA said they needed a pilot, and I couldn't get back to my Earth, so there wasn't much choice in the matter."[/color]