[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Z4EZpVq.gif[/img] Merlin's words barely penetrated the sleeping princes ears before the drapes were thrown open. Arthur's face scrunched up as he rolled over to face away from the light shining in the window. One would think that by know he would be used to Merlin barging in his room with his oh so cheerful [color=FFDF00]“Rise and shine!"[/color], but no. To Arthur it felt like he was being awoken earlier, and earlier each and every morning. Of course by now he knew there was no sleeping in with Merlin around; though that didn't stop him from trying. [color=firebrick]"I don't know, maybe you should check for woodworm. I hear they're very active around this time, much like yourself."[/color] Arthur said as he knocked on the wood of his bed frame from under his blankets. Knowing it wouldn't be long before Merlin would take it upon himself to physically drag Arthur out of bed, he sat up and stretched out his arms. He rubbed his tired eyes and stood from his cozy bed. He made his way to the table and grabbed some of the fruits that were on it and popped them in his mouth. [color=firebrick]"Have you forgotten about my dogs? I haven't the time to exercise them. And of course my fireplace needs cleaning, do I really have to go over these things every day with you Merlin?"[/color] Arthur said before taking a bite of a piece of meat that was on his plate. [color=firebrick]"And need I remind you that someone needs to muck out my stables? I told you this shortly after you became my manservant. I would have thought by now you would have everything memorized"[/color] It always brought him pleasure to tell Merlin his duties, especially the extra nasty ones. “Could somebody please tell me what is happening..? Hold your tongue boy- somebody with a brain.” Lifting his hand up the moment that he had entered the room, Uther flicked his gaze over to Merlin in an attempt to silence him before he even began to speak in answer- the boy was… odd; though a loyal servant to his son, there had been many an occasion leading to thought as to just how intelligent someone of his stature was. In short, the boy was a complete idiot… but it seemed as though he was doing a good enough job tending to Arthur, so until he got any major complaints, he saw no reason as to why he should dismiss him, “Why are you only now rising..? Why are you not yet dressed, and ready to greet our guests..?” Turning his full attention back over to where his son was stood munching on the fruit that was sitting in its bowl on the table, Uther made his way over to join him, both of his gloved hands coming up to rest over the back of the chair, the leather scrunching slightly as he took a hold of it; the King not exerting too much effort in forcing a bright grin to cross over his features at the very thought of all that today had to offer them- truly, it was a day that would be one for the ages, “Arthur… it is an exciting day. The arrival of royals and nobility gathered from all corners of the Earth, right here in Camelot for the Decennial. A day made even more special by the presence of the Lady Seppia of house Varinius, and the promise of her finest gladiators. I hear she is something of a beauty.” Arthur’s head snapped to the door when he heard his father burst in, reminding him what today was. He had forgotten for a moment that was today, he did just wake up after all. He looked up at his father when he mentioned Seppia, and her supposed beauty. [color=firebrick]“I don’t doubt her beauty father, but I’m sure we have maidens here in Camelot just as beautiful, if not more so.”[/color] Arthur said turning from his father and looking out of his window. He could name a few women who were exceedingly beautiful, but he thought only of Guinevere. He had grown fond of her as of recent, it was unfortunate nothing could happen between them. “Nonsense Arthur; Seppia’s is an exotic beauty, nothing that can be matched by any maiden here within Camelot… Oh yes… beautiful, charming, witty… strategic…” Unable to remove the rather stupid looking grin from his features, Uther reached out to place his hand upon his son’s shoulder, being sure to give it a fair squeeze before he once again let it drop, his feet instead carrying him around the table and over to the window so that he could look out over the courtyard- most definitely… the Lady Seppia was indeed quite strategic… something that could prove very useful to Camelot in future times. “I have always thought so… No- [i]we[/i] have always thought so; that being Kornesin, Augustus and myself. Meaning that Lord Varinius believes you to be strategic- not his daughter; however we have all come to agreement on such actions.” When Arthur heard ‘strategic’ he choked a little on a small piece of fruit he had tossed into his mouth just moments before. He had a good idea as to what that meant, and he didn’t like it. Arthur looked to Merlin and then back to his father. [color=firebrick]“This can’t be what I think it is…”[/color] Arthur said in disbelief. [color=firebrick]“Merlin, are you hearing this? Are you talking about an arranged marriage? Father, surely Camelot isn’t in need of an arranged marriage, what could Camelot possibly gain from this?”[/color] Arthur questioned as he stepped back from the window, and his father. Marriage was the last thing on his mind right now, especially with the tournament coming up. Even if marriage was on his mind he wanted a choice in the matter, he didn’t even know the girl. “I knew you would understand. Camelot has much to gain from this potential alliance; the support of Rome would be of great help in our plight against those who seek to overthrow us… in our plight to rid this world of sorcery.” Turning so that he was once more facing his son, Uther allowed one of his hands to gesture out the window as though it would help to push the point that Camelot truly needed this to happen, his gaze never once leaving that of his son as he did what he could to push the point that the choice to have him wed the Roman girl was that of a good one, “Lord Varinius is a serious ally, Arthur… you cannot deny that the strength of such a union would be unvalued in these times, nor should they be underestimated.” [color=firebrick]“Just because I understand, doesn’t mean I’m ok with it. I don’t want to marry someone I’ve never even met before!”[/color] Arthur said raising his voice some. [color=firebrick]“Besides I would like to have a little bit of choice as to who I spend the rest of my days with. What if you were forced to marry someone you didn’t love”[/color] Arthur snapped at him. His father was able to choose who he married, it wasn’t fair that he should be forced into a loveless marriage to a Roman girl he didn’t know. “Arthur; love has nothing to do with it, but the other bit… you know, a more permanent union between the two nations- [i]that[/i] is something we cannot afford to lose.” Frowning slightly at his son’s reaction to the news that he had just let drop on him, Uther turned his attention back over to where Arthur stood looking at him with indigence and complete disbelief- how could the boy not understand that this was for the good of Camelot..? This was something that could secure their future; to help eliminate any and all threats that could oppose them before they even dared to try. “When we talk about your future, Arthur, we’re not just talking about your happiness, but the safety and security of the whole of Camelot. You may one day be a husband… but more importantly, you will one day be King.” Arthur was silent for a moment, simply staring at his father with his arms crossed. He looked around his room for some reason to end this conversation, this was not how he wanted to start his day. His father barging in and telling him of his arranged marriage was something he didn’t want at all. [color=firebrick]“I’ve got to get ready for our guests, and apparently my future wife.”[/color] Arthur said in defeat as he picked up some random clothes from the end of his bed. They were dirty but he wasn’t planning to put them on, he just wanted his father out of his room. [color=firebrick]“Wouldn’t want to be late now would I.”[/color] “I knew you would make the right decision; one day, you will make a great King… just remember that such a role doesn’t come easy, nor does it come without sacrifice.” Clapping his hands together in front of his body, and finding it hard to contain the more than obvious happiness that passed over his features at his son’s agreement to the proposal of marriage, Uther moved himself away from the window and over to where he stood, his hand coming up to rest lightly upon his son’s shoulder, squeezing it in a comforting manner before finally he made his way back across the room and over to the still open door, “Yes..! You are right- you mustn’t keep our guests waiting; nor shall I allow you to not be there to greet your future wife. Be sure to wear your best; buttons polished. I shall meet you upon the steps in the courtyard; Seppia’s carriage will be arriving shortly.” [color=firebrick]"You heard him, my buttons need polished"[/color] Arthur said as he turned to Merlin, bringing the conversation back to his duties. He threw the clothes he had picked up back where they came from and sat down on his bed, putting his index finger and thumb just above his eyes. What a great start to a day. [/center] [@BlueAjah]