[center][color=black]【[b]Deutschland[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Für das Vaterland[/i][/indent][/center] [hider=Joakim Wäldmann][center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/51757e186c9a88159f907a64d918c9c2/tumblr_nlqjl4cdev1r3eyedo1_r2_500.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeX0xUsDHKk]Märkische Heide[/url][/center] [hr] [color=black]【[b]Name[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Joakim Wäldmann.[/i][/indent] [color=black]【[b]Age[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]23[/i][/indent] [color=black]【[b]Gender[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Male.[/i][/indent] [color=black]【[b]Nationality[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]German, born in Königsberg (former Prussian land) and moved to Köln.[/i][/indent] [color=black]【[b]Bio[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Joakim had always been a militaristically gifted child - playing 'shooter sticks' with his friends mimicking the soldiers of the first world war. He was never a leader - always a follower, but he followed orders to the letter and because of that was always a good boy, in and outside of school. When he was 18 he enlisted with the army for a mandatory training (as was required in Germany to circumvent the Versailles treaty). When the war began, he immediately voluntarily enlisted to become a soldier. He was not involved in the invasion of France, he was not of important enough stature to be drafted for the 'luxury condition' of fighting the French, nor was he lucky enough to be drafted for it. Instead he spent his time in Poland. Not that it was much worse - the Polish were undermanned and underequipped, fighting them with horses at some points. What the Polish lacked in equipment they made up for with ferocity. Never the less none could stand up against the German might - and perhaps the Soviets helped a little bit too. After his service in Poland he was promoted to become a panzergrenadier, serving dutifully in the remarkably uneventful Poland. Atleast, until Operation Barbarossa started. Now he spends his time under [b]Panzergrenadierkompanie B[/b] fighting the Russians on the east front after being designated to fight there.[/i][/indent] [color=black]【[b]Personality[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Joakim is an avid supporter of National-Socialism, filled with love for the Fatherland. He is prepared to lay down his life for the glory of the Reich, and that is visible in his demeanor when it comes to taking action. He will generally volunteer for any action deemed dangerous, because he is brotherly and a kind man (to his fellow Germans, not anyone else) and would do a lot to protect them and take the full load and responsibility upon himself. Officers commended him for it. Fellow soldiers berated him for it. Joakim himself is proud to be who he is. Furthermore he is a man that enjoys order and hierarchy - he follows orders, he follows them well, and any mistake in the orders is not the fault of others, it is simply his careless execution of the orders that is at fault. He is respectful to his superior and demands respect from his inferiors (though, given his rank, there are not many inferiors). Any order given is met with a simple 'ja, herr kommandant!' before he rushes off to do the task given to him.[/i][/indent] [color=black]【[b]Appearance[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Refer to the picture above for a physical look. Height; [b]1.86m[/b] Weight; [b]76kg[/b] Hair colour; [b]blonde.[/b] Eye colour; [b]blue.[/b] Defining features; [b]chiseled jawline, square chin.[/b][/i][/indent] [color=black]【[b]Equipment[/b]】[/color] [indent][list][*][i]Panzergrenadiers uniform [/i] [*][i]Stahlhelm[/i] [*][i]Karabiner 98 kurz[/i] [*][i]2x model 24 stielhandgranate[/i] [*][i]2x model 24 'geballte ladung' (bundled charge) stielhandgranate AT grenade[/i][/list][/indent][/hider] [hr] [center][color=red]【[b]Sowjetunion[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Za Rodrinu![/i][/indent][/center] [hider=Pavlov Berezhnoy] [center][img]http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/files/2013/11/RUSSIA.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t74er5nTMHo]Казачему роду нема переводу![/url][/center] [hr] [color=red]【[b]Name[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Pavlov Berezhnoy[/i][/indent] [color=red]【[b]Age[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]19[/i][/indent] [color=red]【[b]Gender[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Male.[/i][/indent] [color=red]【[b]Nationality[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Russian, born and raised in Nizhny Novgorod.[/i][/indent] [color=red]【[b]Bio[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Pavlov was born in a far away oblast called Nizhny Novgorod, a place that is on the Wolga just like Moscow. He lived on a farm on the outskirts of the oblast, where the province was rich with teeming wildlife and forestry industry. He lived there until he was 14 after which his father was unable to support the farm anymore and had to move to Leningrad to work there as a factory worker. At age 18 Pavlov left his motherly home and trekked to Moscow where his father had told him he could get work easily. He hadn't been called upon for the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact based invasion of Poland, luckily for him, but once operation Barbarossa started he was, like many other factory workers, pressed into service of the army. Currently he is employed in the defense against the German invasion, and though he has little faith in the defense of Russia, he will lay down his life for it if he must. Za Rodrinu! Za Stalina! URA![/i][/indent] [color=red]【[b]Personality[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Pavlov is a quiet boy, who is not yet accustomed to war. He's scared because of that, but there is little option other than to listen. Charge for the Motherland, forwards! And so he will do it but only because he must, because any step back is sentencing your fellow soldiers to death at the hands of the nazi invaders. He is brotherly, but prefers to avoid the war if he can. Some would call him a great friend, as he is kind to his fellow soldiers if he takes a liking to them (and that is pretty much everyone, since Pavlov is not a mean person, nor is he demanding or rude.) As for his taking to order and hierarchy, he endures it but again only because he must. The Soviet commanders are brutal in their ways and send forth wave after wave to repel the enemy Germans from their positions to no avail, and instead of changing the tactic, they simply push forward more men. Pavlov is simply awaiting his time, as certain death awaits. [/i][/indent] [color=red]【[b]Appearance[/b]】[/color] [indent][i]Refer to the picture above for a physical look. Height; [b]1.75m[/b] Weight; [b]58kg[/b] (underfed) Hair colour; [b]chestnut brown.[/b] Eye colour; [b]blue/green.[/b] Defining features; [b]furrowed eyebrows, thick nose, relatively small build for a soldier.[/b][/i][/indent] [color=red]【[b]Equipment[/b]】[/color] [indent][list][*][i]Red Army uniform[/i] [*][i]Ushanka with a communist patch[/i] [*][i]Mosin Nagant 91/30[/i] [*][i]1x molotov cocktail[/i] [*][i]2x RGD-33 fragmentation grenade[/i][/list][/indent][/hider]