[color=green][h1][center]Adria Solium[/center][/h1][/color] [hr] Adria herself actually shook just a little bit as Meredith shook her hand. That was a... strong handshake. Let's put it that way. Regardless, after that the person had made their way over to some files, all the while droning on about people that Adria hadn't met yet. Though she should probably make an effort to remember that name, Livia. Of course, the person eventually asked her last name. My, how could Adria have forgotten such an important detail to add! She would need to rectify that immediately, as soon as she got out of her own head. Meaning now. [color=green]"Oh! Solium. Adria Solium. I was supposed to be here yesterday, but I ran into some delays."[/color]