Sonya sat back in her chair in the apartments across the street from the Du Lac. she had her laptop and tablet synced up to the agents cameras that she had given them so she could monitor what was going on in the club. [color=fff200]"Hunter Squad signal so i know your synced and the cameras are working"[/color] she said into the microphone on her desk. Katya stood by the bar and ordered a small whisky and coke, she tapped the side of the glass twice while the camera was aimed at it. "Hunter two-three is in position at the bar." Ashley proceeded to stand by the toilets. she flicked her hands infront of the camera[color=0054a6]"Hunter two-four in position by the bathroom" [/color][color=fff200]"Ok Hunters four and three, i have you location marked on my map. Hunters one, two and five please check in to confirm positions"[/color]