[h1][center][color=cyan]Alex[/color][/center][/h1] Alex just sighed at Darian's comment. He looked to the freshmen and said, [color=cyan]"Don't worry about her. Just don't go near her and you'll probably be fine. She's rarely at school anyway."[/color] He helped the girl up and showed her on the map how to get where she wanted to go. He turned away from her and could smell a familiar scent. From having worked with Gigi so often he could recognize it fairly well. He walked into the school and knocked the snow off his shoes at the entrance before continuing to his homeroom. The bell rang before he got there, but it didn't really matter to him. Homeroom seemed a little pointless to him anyway. He sneaked in the back looking down and sat beside Octavia hoping the teacher wouldn't call him out for being in the wrong seat. He just didn't want to go to the front and look at the seating chart. He didn't care who he shared homeroom with until he heard the easily recognizable voice of Darian. He groaned and looked up noticing that not just Darian but Roza was also in his class. Then he saw Melanie, Lena, and Matt towards the back. He looked to the front and also saw Mackien, Beryl, and Gigi. In his mind he was already running through the many problems that could occur with this group and thought, [color=cyan]*This is going to be a [i]REALLY[/i] long year.*[/color]