[quote=@Starfall] [@MelonHead] Heck we even have a storyline that explains why Shin-Ra is here during which we've fashioned a setting for the Arena and RP Guild when we could find none in place. It's not that obvious since we're not [i]invading[/i] the community and making a shitshow of things by throwing our egos out there. But that fits SRI's theme, we're not here to destroy the Guild so much as we're here to explore and make new connections, it's our job. [/quote] Don't get me wrong, the Arena has a multiverse, it's just very disjointed. The Nexus of Worlds is the current one in place (it's been around for about two years) I interact with it because it is immensely convenient and simplistic, all universes are connected by a system of portals and wormholes, destabilising elements have broken the veil in multiple places allowing characters from separate universes to interact who wouldn't normally be able to. Every fight I've ever had also adds to the stories of my existing characters, though only some of it gets written up depending on how important the fight is or how interesting the opponent was.