[center][color=Lightskyblue][h3][b]Eric[/b][/h3][/color][/center] Students hurried to their classrooms, the late bell ringing loud throughout the school. In classroom 212, period 1, 26 students joked around in groups. Cliques of girls judging the loners, boys messing around shouting, [b]"No homo!"[/b] The dutiful students -also called the ones that have the most common sense- were taking out their homework and checking the answers on the board or writing down the homework for tonight from the black board in the back. A boy with dyed red hair, chains in his pants, and an earring sat on his desk laughing, [color=8882be]"Woah, hey guys, isn't Professor Walker a little late? That old man gets super pissy when we're like, half a sec late, that pose-"[/color] The door slammed open and a frazzled Eric swooped in. [color=Lightskyblue]"Get your butts in your seats before I beat them black and blue!"[/color] He dropped his heavy bag on the desk and shouted at his students. Scared teenagers scurried to their desks, the life threatening glare he sent them giving the students goosebumps. At the age of 27, Eric Neal Walker was a Math Professor at Blackthorne Academy. His third year on at the job, and his reputation of ruthlessness proceeded him to future freshman. The somewhat desirable man usually kept his hair slicked back, but today he had arrived late, having spent the whole night grading papers after having dinner in his room with Jem. Girls who had been calling him horrible and ugly before stared at him with longing eyes. He let them skitter around, gathering the supplies they needed for class. [color=Lightskyblue]"Joseph Lionade, you have been asked several times to do something about that unruly hair, that along with your earring and chains are against school policy. Along with the school's punishment, I expect the practice tests of both chapters 8 and 9 to be handed into me by Wednesday."[/color] There was a moment of silence as the whole class stopped moving. They had just gotten half way through chapter 8 and he had to do both of them?! The dyed redhead fumed, his face going almost as red as his hair. [color=Lightskyblue]"What? With all the time you go slacking off, they should be plenty of time to study."[/color] If he had been anyone else, heads would have rolled. Joe was quiet for the rest of the class and the Professor continued his daily cruelty of only calling on students who looked to be spacing out. The class ended, going into break and the students couldn't help running out of the classroom. [color=Lightskyblue]"Mr. Lionade, I trust you will think again before going against the rules again."[/color] Oh! Eric needed to hurry or he wouldn't catch a quick chat with Jem.