[@MelonHead] [quote=@Skallagrim] [hider=The Prize: A Forgotten Dark Disc] Prize: A Forgotten Dark Disc This torc is made of a liquid black metal that constantly shifts and moves. When the wearer focuses their attention on the torc it will create a six-foot black disc that the summoner can step upon. The disc allows the summoner a form of flight, rising to a maximum height of 250 feet and move at a speed of 180 miles per hour. However, the most important ability is the ability to travel through the dark universe similar to the way Dreamers can travel from one multiverse to another using the Seidher. The Dark Disc will always enter through shadows. [/hider] [/quote] I was going to use this to really get Shin involved in the Multiverse. A man with a black shapeshifting staff, riding on a black disc, wearing a black mask. It was perfect, y'know. I removed the three martial arts that Shin created, accidentally removed a chunk of his enhanced vision, removed the staff, and the burning blood. All so I could get that disc.