Huh? Before the oni’s eyes, that red-rock thing spouted off some slightly threatening two-liner, before slowly changing from volcanic rock to sand. Arata narrowed his eyes at this, wondering what exactly prompted this, before he bared his teeth. A mind reader? Was that what this shape-shifting fuckwad was? A mind-reading, formless coward, hiding behind a myriad of identities and insidiously pillaging the thoughts and memories of others? His eyes narrowed. His canines elongated. His horns began to rise up. But before any other points could be made, another individual made their way into the Library, shouting out a selection of other words. Right, he was in a library after all, and this was, in fact, a place where books were laid to rest. The oni looked at the colorful book on western architecture, recalled his duties, and decided to let it go. He let out a sigh, cracked his neck, and was about to reinstate his question towards Katsumi, when yet another weird thing happened. A slight pressure was suddenly felt on his shoulders, a different sort of restriction compared to the Night Parade’s self-inflicted curse. Moments later, however, that pressure disappeared, and in the vacuum left by its presence, a man arrived. Tattooed and with very short hair, it reminded him of a mixture between a priest and a gangster. Hell’s bells chimed and color was drained from the library, a cold wind whispering through the Library. It wasn’t the same sort of excessive, burning power as that bat-girl, but instead a more measured, sharper strength. The threat of death, and the wrath of all nature, hm? Arata grinned. [b]“Oh, you look like you’re pretty strong. Let’s fight!”[/b] It was a hilariously simple-minded declaration, all things considered, but unlike that loud idiot or that shapeshifting piece of coal, this new arrival had an air of mystery that actually made Arata want to test him a bit. See how the mages of the future could handle the ancient power of an oni and all that. Not-Ogre though? [b]“I’m an oni,”[/b] Arata responded easily, [b]“And the last time I saw people sticking seals to walls, they were trying to re-seal me. Of course, most of them were older than you, prettier than you, and probably stronger than you, but hey, it’d still be a bit annoying…” “…though it’d also be an interesting challenge.”[/b] [@TheHangedMan][@Zombehs][@sakurasan]